Saturday, 29 June 2013


Smooth and deadly.

RRR = Rolls Royce Racists



From: - - - - - - - -
Subject: RE: NHS Racial Equality Performance
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 12:21:39 +0100

Enfield Primary Care Mental Health Team
Crown Lane Clinic
25 Crown Lane
N14 5SH

Tel: 020 8702 3329
Fax: 020 8702 3334

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NHS Number: 482 065 8875
Hospital Number: 1080709

Date: 29 June 2013

Dear Dr Henry Andrews, Consultant Psychiatrist, Primary Care Mental Health Team,

Thank you for your letter dated 28th June 2013.

You wrote:
Thank you for your latest email asking for further clarification of my ethnicity, procedures in our trust, and their effectiveness.

I am IC1.

I am writing to ask you to come to your appointment on 3rd July notwithstanding your concerns, as I think it may prove difficult for me to allay all of your fears before we meet, and if we kept putting off the appointment it might never occur.

You, Dr Henry Andrews are a White person IC1.
I am a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR.
I am not able to come to the appointment on 3rd July because I have not seen any evidence of procedures in place to protect Black people, like myself, from the impact of White Supremacist Racists on the decision making processes.

If it is too difficult for you to provide the information required please present your problem to your superiors.

I have not been made aware that this matter is of any urgency. I would ask that you show a little more faith in the NHS because I cannot see how you justify using the word "never" in this context.

In the past I have experienced White Supremacist Racist abuse, harassment and distress from White Supremacist Racist, Police and NHS staff.
I have been advised by the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) who work effectively together with the Black National Party (BNP) that I should be cautious because you are a White Supremacist Racist SUSPECT.

You wrote:
You will be able to feedback to me any concerns you have at the end of the appointment, and the trust has a complaints procedure which you can use after the appointment as necessary.

If you are having problems finding out which procedures, if any, are in place to protect Black people, like myself, from the impact of White Supremacist Racists on the decision making processes, how can you reasonably expect me to trust the complaints procedures?

I have not received enough information yet to convince me that the decision making processes in the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey NHS Mental Health Trust are not impacted by White Supremacist Racists in positions of trust, authority and power working to confuse, abuse, exploit, cripple and kill Black and non-white people. I need more information and more time.

Can we arrange a date and time after the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey NHS Mental Health Trust has provided all the necessary information to convince me that it is not a White Supremacist Racist organisation?

Please would you make sure that Sylvia M Jillani, Metropolitan Police and
Jill Philbert, FTAC get a copy of this letter.

The White Supremacist Racists have the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful members club / network in the known world.

Black and non-white people have been made stupid, dizzy, deluded, confused and severely retarded about what Racism is and how Racism works as a result of White Supremacist Racist conditioning since childhood.

The POWER of White Supremacist Racist people is being neutralised, by the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) working effectively together with the Black National Party (BNP), in a civilised, orderly, non-violent, dignified and peaceful manner to humble White Pride World Wide for the greater good .

If you check the facts against the clock you will see that the White Supremacist Racists are losing power and getting weaker every 24 hours as a result of the valuable and magnificent work being done by the members of the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) working from the Moral High Ground in righteousness, glory and majesty.

You White people of Britain are encouraged to join the "Brit Dems" (British Racial Democratic Party) and sort yourselves out for Racial Equality.
You White people of europe are now being warned to study the european Racial Partition map of europe and sort yourselves out for Racial Justice.

european Racial Partition:
Latest! european Racial Partition map of europe
Core Topic The european Racial Partition Map of europe
The New Racial Partition Map of europe | Race Equality Inspectorate

Kind regards

- - - - - - - - , IC3, B9, BEUR

__________________________________________________ ____________


Barnet, Enfield and Haringey NHS Mental Health Trust

28th June 2013

Private & Confidential
To be opened by addressee only
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Enfield Primary Care Mental Health Team
Crown Lane Clinic
25 Crown Lane
N14 5SH

Tel: 020 8702 3329
Fax: 020 8702 3334

NHS Number: 482 065 8875
Hospital Number: 1080709

Dear - - - - - - - -

Thank you for your latest email asking for further clarification of my ethnicity, procedures in our trust, and their effectiveness.

I am IC1.

I am writing to ask you to come to your appointment on 3rd July notwithstanding your concerns, as I think it may prove difficult for me to allay all of your fears before we meet, and if we kept putting off the appointment it might never occur.

I will make every effort to be mindful of your concerns, whilst aiming to complete the assessment I have been asked to do.

You will be able to feedback to me any concerns you have at the end of the appointment, and the trust has a complaints procedure which you can use after the appointment as necessary.

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

I will probably have a student doctor with me in the clinic whose race I believe to be IC5. You will be at liberty to ask that she not be with us and your choice on this matter will not affect your care.

Yours sincerely,

Signed . . . . . . .

Dr Henry Andrews
Consultant Psychiatrist
Primary Care Mental Health Team

Trust Chairman: Michael Fox
Trust Chief Executive: Maria Kane
Director of Community Housing and Adult Social Care: Ray James

Racial Banking is Safe Banking

Source 1: http://century.guard....106880,00.html

Source 2: http://policeauthori....703/index.html

Source 3:





Thursday, 27 June 2013

GOD IS WHITE - Cleanliness is next to Godliness

God is White!

This post is to answer this post from Nienna:

Good God of the Goths! God is White!

God, Good and Goth all have the same root word.

God is Good to the blond/blonde haired, blue/pale eyed Goths only.
All darkies belong in Hell.

"You are not one of us"

"You are underbred, Sir

Angels insects youtube


Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 14:57:06 +0100
Subject: Swedish ethnicity codes

Greetings ZigZag,

Hope you are well!

I'm having my lunch break at my desk and did some more googling on Swedish codes. I have not come up with anything definite, but an interesting thing turned up from August. As far as I can work out from bits of articles and tweets, the police actually publicised a witness statement that a person who stole a handbag had "Roma looks". This caused outrage it would seem because apparently in Sweden the police do not normally give any ethnic description. What I found interesting was a tweet saying : "Stop the sandpit (he means childish discussions - it is a Swedish expression for lots of things. I could use it in the office if there was in-fighting for example. It means childish in the negative sense = immature) regarding description (the word in Swedish refers specifically to description of persons, it could be a missing person or a criminal e g) and adapt the Britsh police's racial classifcation for Sweden!" So it would seem that they do not use any coding - at least not officially and I have a feeling that if they had a secret one, this would be leaked pretty quickly.

Did I mention to you that a new word in Swedish for African people is "dark". Several of my young colleagues have used it and I said that I thought it was an incorrect word to use. On so many levels! Dark in Swedish means a person who has dark hair. But of course meanings of words do change and no doubt dark will come to mean black as in African. My colleagues were truly outraged when I suggested that the word is racist. They said what should one say (African is not OK as the person may be American) and I said black. But THAT really is worse than dark, one of them said. I don't think they are consciously racist, really not, but the fact that calling someone black would be so baaaaad, to me says a great deal.

I may see you tomorrow at Centerprise. I am on duty from 12 to 6 - a bit long but then I can't do so many Saturdays coming.

All the best,


Monica Zander-North
T +44 20 7616 4071

Last edited by Brit Dems; June 19th, 2013 at 10:24 AM. Reason: Goodness and Whiteness
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Old June 19th, 2013, 10:06 AM #2
Truth Troll

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Originally Posted by Brit Dems View Post
Good God of the Goths! God is White!

God, Good and Goth all have the same root word.

God is Good to the blond/blonde haired, blue/pale eyed Goths only.
All darkies belong in Hell.

Angels insects youtube
Angels and Insects Trailer - YouTube
How would you know? Have you ever seen God?

And the sun is yellow, oranges are orange, the sky is blue, blood is red & panthers are black. So what? Congratulations you are not color blind and have learned your colors. If you learn how to communicate you might pass kindergarden.

Please this is a site for grown-ups and it appears people who know how to lie and show apathy toward truth and people. I think you are lost dear
Thanks from waitingtables
“He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.” Nietzsche
"Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither" Benjamin Franklin
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Old June 19th, 2013, 10:15 AM #3
Brit Dems
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Location: London UK
Posts: 512
Question God is White!?

Originally Posted by Nienna View Post
How would you know? Have you ever seen God?

And the sun is yellow, oranges are orange, the sky is blue, blood is red & panthers are black. So what? Congratulations you are not color blind and have learned your colors. If you learn how to communicate you might pass kindergarden.

Please this is a site for grown-ups and it appears people who know how to lie and show apathy toward truth and people. I think you are lost dear

Maybe Nienna has been poorly educated, is not part of the Swedish intelligentsia and knows little about the Nordic / Germanic languages.

Monica Zander-North

What I found interesting was a tweet saying : "Stop the sandpit (he means childish discussions - it is a Swedish expression for lots of things.


. . . . . . . . . Gautr, Gauti, Guti, Gothus and Geat are name forms based on the same Proto-Germanic root, *ǥuđ- (see God). Gapt is generally considered to be a corruption of Gaut.

Gaut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is God from Northern Europe?

. . . . . .


Identity Code (IC) – 6+1 Visual Assessment Ethnicity Code


MPA: FoI: MPA briefing paper 03/07

Last edited by Brit Dems; June 19th, 2013 at 11:06 AM. Reason: POWER


Women with nice feet rule

Originally Posted by Nienna View Post
Women control with their feet? Maybe thats what I am doing wrong. Are you using the feet too Perianne?

Here you go Nienna.
Look and learn.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

Elmer Batters!
Women with nice feet rule.
How much POWER have you got?

Do women with nasty foot care have nasty characters?
Drinks all round.


