Monday, 24 August 2015

B-DAY Anti-Afrikan Offensive

B-DAY Anti-Afrikan Offensive

As you all should know by now the Afrikans with a “K” have hijacked the Africans with a “C”. This situation has to be corrected and identity must be clarified before we can launch an effective campaign against the White Supremacists.

Following our successful Anti-Afrikan offensive where we got rid of the iNAPP and redirected the resources and finances back into the IC3 Black community we are about to launch a new Anti-Afrikan Offensive. 

The previous successful Anti-Afrikan Offensive used the “iNAPP, youNAPP, theyNAPP, weNAPP”, “No Hard Feelings” and “Drop the Afrikan” slogans to great effect.

“No Hard Feelings” "No Offense"

B-DAY Anti-Afrikan Offensive

This new B-DAY (IC3 Black Day) Anti-Afrikan Offensive is styled after the D-Day landings.

The Afrikans are in disarray and are trying to reorganise themselves to meet the coming main B-Day Anti-Afrikan Offensive.

The new B-DAY Anti-Afrikan Offensive will have three (3) Ethnic prongs:

M1 Mixed-Race White and Black Caribbean people
M2 Mixed-Race White and Black African people

B9 Black Other people

B1 Black Caribbean people
B2 Black African people

All Racial and Ethnic Regiments will stay in strict formation moving forward using the “inner map” to guide them safely through the dangerous religious, political and ideological defended territory cunningly constructed by the White Supremacists. The “inner map” of the Race and Ethnicity Codes has been distributed to all the divisional commanders. 

The Ethnic divisions are not divided in the ultimate goal which is to neutralise the power of White Supremacist ideology and practice.

We are well aware of our weak point which is to let the Afrikans find out the time and place of the B-DAY Anti-Afrikan Offensive. Strict silence will be maintained until the very last moment of the B-DAY Anti-Afrikan Offensive so that the operation will not be compromised and that Afrikans will not have enough time to organise an effective defence or counter-attack.

A successful B-DAY Anti-Afrikan Offensive will open the way to the main target, White Supremacy.

We have commandeered a number of resources in the Enfield and Tottenham areas which are necessary for the B-DAY Anti-Afrikan Offensive.

Those of you who are interested in getting involved in the B-DAY Anti-Afrikan Offensive can meet our recruiters at Conscious Corner Tottenham N15 where after passing through the necessary vetting processes and examinations you may be trained to drive a Think Tank or fly a Fair Craft.

Books at Conscious Corner

We all need to learn our Race and Ethnicity codes and work together in Racially and Ethnically organised divisions against White Supremacy. We must wear our Race and Ethnicity codes as a kind of ideological temporary uniform for the battle against White Supremacy. Everyone must behave in an orderly manner. No disorderly group of 'darkies' stands a chance against the White Supremacists. The disorderly non-white mobs will continue to get mowed down by the Racist machine gunners and their corpses displayed in the media.

That is all for now.

Kind regards

John Canoe

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Sunday, 23 August 2015

History of the Police Race Codes

From: Derrick Lynch Sent: 21 August 2015 10:29 To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Race Relations;empressjudah; Subject: FW: Freedom of Information Request - History of the Police Race Codes

Anybody else interested in the History of the Police Race Codes?

From: Derrick Lynch Sent: 21 August 2015 10:15 To:;; Subject: Freedom of Information Request - History of the Police Race Codes

Dear Mayor of London and City of London Police,

I am doing some research into the history and development of the Police Race Codes because so little is known about them and they appear to play an important part in the maintenance of law and order in English society.

01. What date were the IC codes first introduced?
02. What are the dates of the changes that were made to the IC codes?
03. What were the first set of IC codes?
04. What are the names of the people who made changes to the IC codes?
05. What are the latest IC codes?
06. Is it true that the IC codes were originally RC (Race Code) codes?
07. What system of identification was used before the IC codes were introduced?
08. Who suggested that IC codes should be used?
09. When was the suggestion made to use IC codes?

10. What does an IC1, White, North European / White European person look like?
11. What does an IC2, White, South European / Dark European person look like?
12. What does an IC3, Black person look like?
13. What does an IC4, Asian person look like?
14. What does an IC5, Chinese person look like?
15. What does an IC6, Arabic / North African / Middle Eastern person look like?

16. What notes were made to explain the changes to the IC codes overtime?

I have copied below the efforts I have made so far and the information I have managed to collect.




White - North European / White European


White - South European / Dark European




Asian (in the UK Asian refers to people from the Indian subcontinent like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal)


Chinese, Japanese, or other South East Asian


Arabic or North African / Middle Eastern / Mixed Race






Kind regards

Derrick Lynch

5 Hedge Hill




Subject: FOIA: Information Not Held
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 15:39:26 +0100

Dear Mr. Lynch

Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2015060001548

I write in connection with your request for information which was received by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 22/06/2015. I apologise for the long delay in getting back to you and for any inconvenience this has caused. I note you seek access to the following information:

01. What date were the IC codes first introduced?
02. What are the dates of the changes that were made to the IC codes?
03. What were the first set of IC codes?
04. What are the names of the people who made changes to the IC codes?
05. What are the latest IC codes?
06. Is it true that the IC codes were originally RC (Race Code) codes?
07. What system of identification was used before the IC codes were introduced?
08. Who suggested that IC codes should be used?
09. When was the suggestion made to use IC codes?
10. What does an IC1, White, North European / White European person look like?
11. What does an IC2, White, South European / Dark European person look like?
12. What does an IC3, Black person look like?
13. What does an IC4, Asian person look like?
14. What does an IC5, Chinese person look like?
15. What does an IC6, Arabic / North African / Middle Eastern person look like?
16. What notes were made to explain the changes to the IC codes overtime?

Following receipt of your request searches were conducted within the MPS to locate information relevant to your request.

To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted within the Leadership & Learning Directorate, Diversity Directorate and with the Policy holders for PNC. Despite reasonable searches being carried out we were unable to locate information relevant to your request . Therefore on the balance of probability it can be seen that there is no information held in relation to your request.

As this is part of a National system you should make your Freedom of Information request to The College of Policing, NPCC or The Home Office who may be able to assist you further.

I appreciate that this is not the response you would have hoped for and apologise for this.

I have attached some links below that were found in our open source searches that you may be interested in:

Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.

Yours sincerely

Jennifer Powell
People Services Freedom of Information Manager


Direct Communications Unit

2 Marsham Street



Tel: 020 7035 4848

Fax: 020 7035 4745

Derrick Lynch

12 August 2015

Dear Mr Lynch,

Freedom of Information request reference: 36117

Thank you for your e-mail of 9 July, in which you ask for information about the development of the original "IC Codes" used by the Police in the 1970s. Your request has been handled as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The Home Office does not hold the information which you have requested. It is possible that your local police force holds this information. I attach the link to police force websites under in case you wish to make an FOI request to them -

If you are dissatisfied with this response you may request an independent internal review

of our handling of your request by submitting a complaint within two months to the address below, quoting reference 36117. If you ask for an internal review, it would be helpful if you could say why you are dissatisfied with the response.

Information Rights Team

Home Office Third Floor, Peel Building

2 Marsham Street

London SW1P 4DF


As part of any internal review the Department's handling of your information request will be reassessed by staff who were not involved in providing you with this response. If you remain dissatisfied after this internal review, you would have a right of complaint to the Information Commissioner as established by section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Yours sincerely, B Wheeler



Subject: RE: Police Race Code History FOI Request
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 15:18:39 +0000

Dear Mr Lynch

Thank you for your email. The College does not hold this information and I do not hold any contact details. I would suggest you contact the Home Office directly as they may hold this information.

Yours Sincerely,

Neil Smith| Ethics, Integrity & Public Interest

College of Policing



Think of the environment - do you really need to print this e-mail?



Monday, 3 August 2015

Race Relations Questionnaire 3 August 2015

Race Relations Questionnaire  
3 August 2015


Were you aware of the UK self-defined ethnicity codes? 
(Yes or No) 


Were you aware of the British Police's race codes? 
(Yes or No) 


Which ethnicity code describes you? 


Which race code describes you? 


Do you feel that racial and ethnic classifications are offensive? 
 (Yes or No) 


Do you feel racial and ethnic categorisation is morally correct? 
(Yes or No) 


Do you believe racial classification is a necessary tool for effective policing? (Yes or No) 

Comments, suggestions, explanations, feedback and complaints

Twitter: @race_relations
Facebook: RaceRelations
Text or call Jack Hoskins or John Canoe on: 07899 417 290
