Thursday, 11 August 2011





". . . Iranian women are ugly, dark haired, dark eyed, dirty Arabs when compared to our very own pure blood, Blonde haired, Blue or Pale eyed, White Aryan women of Northern Europe."
Say the White Supremacist Racists.

What are your odds on a Racial Health bet?


  1. Facism

    Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical, authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2] It advocates the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, and family policy including eugenics.

    Blue Jay Way - The Beatles - With Lyrics

    Hot Fuzz

    Hot Fuzz is a 2007 British action dark comedy film written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright, and starring Pegg and Nick Frost.

    Hot Fuzz Awsome Action scene near the end! Part One! HQ!

  2. Galton Institute

    The Galton Institute is a learned society based in the United Kingdom. Its aims are "to promote the public understanding of human heredity and to facilitate informed debate about the ethical issues raised by advances in reproductive technology".

  3. Alfred Hoche

    Publications and Ideas

    Allowing the destruction of life unworthy of living (life unworthy of life)

    In Binding and Hoche's book, Hoche calls for the killing of the mentally ill and especially considers those who have been what he calls, "mentally or intellectually dead" since birth or early childhood.

    NSDAP Office of Racial Policy

    The NSDAP Office of Racial Policy (German: Rassenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP, R.P.A. or RPA) was a Nazi Party office created in 1933 for "unifying and supervising all indoctrination and propaganda work in the field of population and racial politics". It was originally known as the NSDAP Office for Enlightenment on Population Policy and Racial Welfare (German: Aufklärungsamt für Bevölkerungspolitik und Rassenpflege), but was renamed in 1935.

  4. The Racial Economy and Cost-Benefit Analysis

    Can you think Racially?

    White Racial Thinking

    Benefit = Black Underdevelopment
    Cost = Black Development

    White Australia policy

    Immigration Restriction Act 1901

    "...In seeking to justify the policy, Deakin said he believed that the Japanese and Chinese[9] might be a threat to the newly formed federation and it was this belief that led to legislation to ensure they would be kept out:

    "It is not the bad qualities, but the good qualities of these alien races that make them so dangerous to us. It is their inexhaustible energy, their power of applying themselves to new tasks, their endurance and low standard of living that make them such competitors."..."

    Nazi Germany


    "...The Nazi health care system also held as a central idea the concept of Eugenics. Certain people were deemed 'genetically inferior' and were targeted for elimination from the gene pool through sterilization (Hereditary Health Courts) or wholesale murder (Action T4). Medical information professionals used new processes and technology, like punch card systems, and cost analysis, to aid in the process and calculate the 'benefit' to society of these killings."

    Cost-benefit analysis

    Cost-benefit analysis (CBA), sometimes called benefit-cost analysis (BCA), is an economic decision-making approach, used particularly in government and business. CBA is used in the assessment of whether a proposed project, programme or policy is worth doing, or to choose between several alternative ones. It involves comparing the total expected costs of each option against the total expected benefits, to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs, and by how much.


How much POWER have you got?