The Black National Party (BNP) as part of the United Races Racial Democratic Movement is invincible.
David Gilbertson QPMThu 29 Mar 2012
"Policing Matters – The Road to Recovery after the Riots"
Where last summer’s riots began, so too must the debate about the future of policing.
At Tottenham's Bernie Grant Arts Centre, David Gilbertson QPM, formerly one of Scotland Yard’s most senior officers, delivers a public talk on the crisis in modern policing.
From ‘bobbies on beats’ to ‘Stop and Search’, he argues that, over the last decade, the police have become increasingly alienated from the public they serve. How can trust with the community be regained?
His powerful account of a crisis offers a way forward to police, policy makers and the community.
A panel discussion and audience debate will follow, chaired by Rt. Hon Keith Vaz MP, Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee.
David Gilbertson is a former Deputy Assistant Commissioner to the Metropolitan Police and HM Assistant Inspector of Constabulary. He is the author of ‘The Strange Death of Constable George Dixon – Why the Police have Stopped Policing,’ a critique of the current state of policing in Britain.
The lecture is held in memory of MP Bernie Grant, in particular his ground-breaking campaigning for ethnicity monitoring in stop and search.
The Bernie Grant Trust is a registered charity No. 1021451.
"Question title: Apolitical Policing Matters"
"How does the fact that the Police are supposed to be an apolitical organisation impact efforts to tackle the problem of Institutional Racism, which is the same as White Supremacy or White Power, in the decision making processes in Policing Matters?"
RESS Thursday 29 March 2012
Help the BritDems trace the White Supremacist Racists responsible for the murders of PC Blakelock (IC1) and Bernie Grant (IC3)

RESS said:
ReplyDeleteHelp the BritDems trace the White Supremacist Racists responsible for the murders of PC Blakelock (IC1) and Bernie Grant (IC3)
We are on the case in regards to gathering evidence on the White Supremacist Racists responsible for the murder of PC Blakelock and our findings will be sent to the BritDems in due time.
I have suspected that White Supremacist Racists murdered Bernie Grant through a previous investigation, but had not acquired conclusive evidence. We will redouble our efforts and assist the BritDems in tracing the White Supremacist Racists we suspect are responsible for the covered up murder of Bernie Grant.
Saturday, 8 April, 2000, 13:05 GMT 14:05 UK
Labour MP Bernie Grant dies
Saturday, 8 April, 2000, 14:12 GMT 15:12 UK
Bernie Grant: A controversial figure
RESS asked:
ReplyDeleteHow does the fact that the Police are supposed to be an apolitical organisation impact efforts to tackle the problem of Institutional Racism, which is the same as White Supremacy or White Power, in the decision making processes in Policing Matters?
a·po·lit·i·cal [ey-puh-lit-i-kuhl] Show IPA
1. not political; of no political significance: an apolitical organization.
2. not involved or interested in politics.
World English Dictionary
apolitical (ˌeɪpəˈlɪtɪk ə l)
— adj
politically neutral; without political attitudes, content, or bias
Is not the general assumption that the Police are an apolitical organisation a device used to maintain Institutional Racism, which is the same as White Supremacy, within the Police Force? White Supremacy is a religio-political System.
To tackle Institutional Racism in the Police Force an independent body with a Racial Equality remit is required. To be independent the body must consist of male and female for each racial category (IC1-IC6) with Equal Power over the decision making processes. An independent organisation of this type would neutralise White Supremacy provided that the Black and Non-white members are not subdued by the Power of White Supremacy and therefore effectively act as a conduit for the maintenance of Institutional Racism within the Police Force.