Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Do we think we can help those 80% of Jewish people who think that they are White come to the Racial realisation that they are Arab / Other?

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The longue durée in Jewish Life, Culture, and History

Prof. Gary Rendsburg, Rutgers University, USA

Date: 10 October 2012Time: 5:30 PM
Finishes: 10 October 2012Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Brunei GalleryRoom: Brunei Gallery, 104
Type of Event: Lecture
Series: Centre for Jewish Studies Evening Lecture Series Centre for Jewish Studies Evening Lecture Series
Chair: Prof. Catherine Hezer, SOAS

Contact email:

Let's give it a try today and see what happens.

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"All Jews are dirty Arabs and All Arabs are dirty Jews"
Say the White Supremacist Racists.




  1. IC6 (Mixed Race) Psychology in the System of White Supremacy

    Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

    Who Is a Mischling?

    "The desk officer for racial law in the Reich Ministry of the Interior (RMI), Dr. Bernhard Losener, stated on 30 October 1933 that Mischlinge suffered a double psychological blow, first by being associated with the Jews and second by being driven out of the German society to which they felt completely bonded. Erwin Goldmann, the leader of the Stuttgart organization for non-Aryan Christians, went further, arguing in November 1934 that "Mischlinge suffer emotionally more than the 100 percent Jews who had voluntarily separated themselves from the German Volk. Losener warned on 10 November 1935 that persecuting them would make them dangerous because their "German blood" would make them formidable enemies. Losener further warned that "a dangerous situation will develop in that half -Jews will no longer feel united with Jews and be pushed in between the races [of Jews and Aryans]. If this happened, Losener argued, they would become "pariahs" and "desperados". He felt that this estrangement could force some to feel so desperate that they would turn against the government with a vengeance.

    All these predictions, however, underestimated the loyalty of most Mischlinge to Germany. Losener believed that most half -Jews felt German and had rejected Judaism. If the government labeled them as Jews, Losener warned, the suicide rate would rise significantly. Losener accurately observed that many Mischlinge did not want to be associated with Jews. After the Nuremberg Laws, most felt shocked to think that anyone might identify them them with Jews, particularly Ostjuden. Mischling families had lived in Germany for generations, and most had lost all contact with their Jewish heritage. They had helped develop German society, fought in her wars, and furthered her culture. Some had not known of their Jewish heritage until Hitler came to power. Suddenly, they had to accept that they were categorized with so-called enemies of society. Half-Jew Hans Pollak learned of his Jewish ancestry in 1935. He had read about Jews in school and the press and felt upset to be associated with them. This distaste at being identified with Jews sometimes resurfaces in the present. Hans Herder said that finding out he had a Jewish grandfather was his worst experience during the Third Reich. "I tell you honestly, I don't like Jews," he said in 1996. "I just don't like Jews. That's correct. I would never do anything to a Jew, I must also tell you that, because the Jew is also a human being... When I get to know a Jew, then he's no longer a Jew, but a mensch like you and me. As Robert Braun, a half-Jew and Unterarzt admits "Generally the Mischling were very antisemitic"..."



  2. IC6 (Mixed Race) Psychology in the System of White Supremacy

    Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

    "Blankenburg warned Frey that Mischlinge typically denied their Jewish fathers and instead claimed that their true fathers were "German blooded". He wrote that such statements from Mischlinge must be handled "with the utmost caution." Although some denied their ancestors, they still could not escape the fact that they descended from Jews, whether it became public knowledge or not. Quarter-Jew Admiral Bernhard Rogge said that "one could curse one's birth and ancestry; however, one cannot make it not to have happened. One can never step out of his family tree, no matter how much one wants to . . . He may keep it a secret, may hate it, may feel ashamed because of it; however in his secrecy, his shame, his hate, he will in his disgust have to recognize it." Rogge knew that no matter how much one lied about or doctored his ancestry, he would always remain who he was. Any (German blood certificates) from Hitler or official Aryan certificates from courts would not alter the truth no matter how much one wished it to. Many successfully hid their ancestry but sometimes living as an Aryan required them to do and say things that caused them emotional and psychological distress."



  3. The Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) agents working together with the Black National Party (BNP) experienced violence and threats of violence last night from Racially deluded or Racially deceitful Jewish people who claimed they were English.

    This problem was highlighted last year.

    View Poll Results: Can you be truly English and be Jewish or Muslim?
    Yes, a person can be truly English and be Jewish or Muslim 10 = 32.26%

    No, a person cannot be truly English and be Jewish or Muslim 16 = 51.61%

    I don't know if a person can be truly English and be Jewish or Muslim 2 = 6.45%

    What does it mean to be English? 3 = 9.68%


How much POWER have you got?