United Races Racial Democratic Page Views

Saturday 17 November 2012

Commonwealth Police Code Racial Examination

From: brdp@hotmail.co.uk
To: ics@sas.ac.uk; info@commonwealth.int; secretary-general@commonwealth.int; e.delbuey@commonwealth.int; j.mucunguzi@commonwealth.int; g.goh@commonwealth.int; y.chin@commonwealth.int; v.holdsworth@commonwealth.int; library@commonwealth.int; sas.info@sas.ac.uk; cab@sas.ac.uk; daisy.cooper@sas.ac.uk; foundation@commonwealth.int; csdrms@commonwealth.int; a.roy@commonwealth.int; s.lollbeharree@commonwealth.int; w.gilpin@commonwealth.int; n.cusk@commonwealth.int; c.odumbe@commonwealth.int; v.pandey@commonwealth.int; a.fofeh@commonwealth.int; k.smart@commonwealth.int; d.mathur@commonwealth.int; d.thejaswee@commonwealth.int; m.zamir@commonwealth.int; a.hargreaves@commonwealth.int; b.taylor@commonwealth.int; m.banda@commonwealth.int; i.tholley@commonwealth.int; c.gondwe@commonwealth.int; j.fanning@commonwealth.int; m.tamene@commonwealth.int; info@thercs.org; director@thercs.org; jessica.smith@thercs.org; tim.drew@thercs.org; matt.morris@cwgc.org; info@commonwealth-institute.org; info@commonwealthofnations.org; hq.sec@cpahq.org; andrew@cpahq.org; info@acu.ac.uk; info@clgf.org.uk; info@cjc.org.uk; bcantley@nna-ccj.ca; theroundtable@hotmail.co.uk; rasc@commagshow.org; info@cbcglobal.org; info@rosl.org.uk; les.malezer@faira.org.au; mail@cyec.org.uk; admin@comarchitect.org; info@sightsavers.org; admin@sound-seekers.org.uk; j.a.binns@geography.otago.ac.nz; bhupinder.sandhu@uhbristol.nhs.uk; administrator@cdauk.com; cmaliaison@cma.bma.org.uk; office@commat.org; jill@commonwealthnurses.org; admin@commonwealthpharmacy.org; shireen@blr.vsnl.net.in; cfa@cfa-international.org; chec@btopenworld.com; info@thecgf.com; terrybamford@aol.com
CC: race.equality.inspectorate@gmail.com; race_equality_inspectorate@live.co.uk; susan.spedding@uwe.ac.uk
Subject: Commonwealth Police Code Racial Examination
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 12:02:40 +0000

We would like to thank the Institute of Commonwealth Studies for the organisation of this most excellent event.

The Commonwealth in crisis – is reform possible?
15 November 2012, 10:00 - 19:30
Organised by:
Institute of Commonwealth Studies

Event Type:
Conference / Symposium

The Senate Room (Senate House, First Floor)

Venue Details:
South Block of Senate House, Ground Floor


To the question posed, "The Commonwealth in Crisis - is reform possible?", our reply is yes.
The main concern was the attitude to Racism displayed and reported by so many of the delegates and attendees. It is evident that the Commonwealth is desperately in need of a 'root and branch' Racial Examination for Racial Equality.
The White Supremacist Racists are the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful people in the known world. The White Supremacist Racists have even classified the people of southern Europe (IC2) as dark eyed, dark haired, lazy, Melanochroid Racial filth and "PIGS" (economics). Black and non-white people have been made stupid, dizzy, deluded, confused and severely retarded about what Racism is and how Racism works as a result of White Supremacist Racist conditioning since childhood.
Do we think that the following Police Code Racial Examination could be adapted for use in the Commonwealth for working towards Racial Equality?
Please discuss and let us have your feedback.
Kind regards
RESS (Race Equality Secret Service)


The purpose of the following Racial Examination is to encourage compliance with the s.149 duty in the Equality Act 2010.

The s.149 duty in the Equality Act 2010 requires a public authority in the carrying out of all its functions to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations across the protected characteristics.

Organisations that are not "public authorities" are also required to have due regard to the needs listed above whenever they carry out "public functions".


The six (6) protected racial characteristics used by the Metropolitan Police will be used in the following Racial Examination combined with the "Approved Extended Categories" used for the Census by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
IC1 White European
IC2 Dark European
IC3 Black
IC4 Asian
IC5 Chinese
IC6 Arab (Mixed Race)

White Supremacist Racist decision making does not eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity or foster good relations across the protected characteristics as specified in the s.149 duty in the Equality Act 2010.

1. Organisations that fail to remove or minimise disadvantages connected with a relevant protected characteristic are "not fit for purpose".

2. Organisations that fail to take steps to meet the different needs of persons who share a relevant protected characteristic are "not fit for purpose".

3. Organisations that fail to encourage persons who share a relevant protected characteristic to participate in public life or any other activity in which they are under-represented are "not fit for purpose".


"Employment monitoring enables Local Authorities to look at the make-up of their workforce and compare this with local data to make sure that the workforce reflects the community. 

Equalities monitoring is a way of looking at how our human resources practices and procedures affect people with different needs, so that we can address any inequalities and make sure we comply with the law."
Source: http://www.education.gov.uk/escs-isb/standardslibrary/a0077051/ethnicity-data-standard


Please scroll down and study the Racial Hierarchy Code charts as used by the Metropolitan Police and the Office for National Statistics before attempting to do this Racial Exam.



IC3.BCRB = Black, Black Caribbean, Negroid
IC5.CHKC = Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese, Mongoloid
IC6.OAFG = Arab, Afghan, Mixed-up Non-White
IC1.WENG = White European, English, Caucasoid
IC2.WGRK = Dark European, Greek, Melanochroid
IC4.ABAN = Asian, Bangladeshi, Asianoid

RACE EXAM (10 Minutes)


01. IC6.MWBC = ?
02. IC2.WTUK = ?
03. IC6.OKRD = ?
04. IC4.AAFR = ?
05. IC1.WEUR = ?

True or False

06. IC5.WTUK = True or False?
07. IC6.MWOE = True or False?
08. IC3.BEUR = True or False?
09. IC1.OIRN = True or False?
10. IC2.OLAM = True or False?

Send your answers to:



"Arbeit Macht Frei"

British Racial Democratic Party (BritDems)


Race Equality Inspectorate


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