Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Enfield Jobcentreplus White Supremacist Racist activity

From: - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Subject: Enfield Jobcentre Plus White Supremacist Racist Activity
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 11:48:28 +0000


Enfield Jobcentreplus P.Paraskevopoulos
34 Windmill Hill
Enfield EN2 7AL
Tel: 0845 604 3719
Fax: 020 8219 2888
Jobcentre Plus
Stratford BDC
9 Elms Lane
SW95 9AB
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enfield Jobcentreplus White Supremacist Racist activity

Date: 27 February 2013
Dear P.Paraskevopoulos,
Thank you for your letter dated 22 February 2013 that I received yesterday evening. I have copied the letter below for the others copied who may be interested in this case.
My records show that I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, was indeed involved in an incident that took place on the 20th February 2013 in Enfield Jobcentreplus.
You wrote:
"I am writing to you about an incident that took place on the 20th February 2013 when you were rude to one of advisers and called him a racist."
That information is not correct.
I said that Tim, a White person, IC1, my adviser, is a White Supremacist Racist suspect.
A doubt had arisen about Tim, my White Adviser, as a result of the poor job seeking advice I have been receiving, the absence of any evidence of any procedures in place to protect Black people from White Supremacist Racist activity in Enfield Jobcentreplus and a decision Tim made that caused me to suspect that Tim was a White Supremacist Racist.
Jon, a Mixed-Race person, IC6, The Manager and a G4S Security Officer, a Black person, IC3 were both present. The G4S Security Officer, a Black person, IC3 said to me: "You are being an arse". The Police were called and two (2) White Police Officers arrived, both IC2. Police Identification badges YE529 and YE233.
You wrote:
"We are committed to treating you in a fair and polite manner. In return I expect you to treat us in the same way. Therefore, I trust that you will make sure that this type of incident does not happen again."
I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, am hereby exercising due diligence to make sure that this type of incident does not happen again. Please would you prepare and send all requested documents by recorded delivery at least 48 hours before my next appointment at Enfield Jobcentreplus which is Wednesday 6th March 2013 at 11.00am.
Please provide:
1. A written apology for the misunderstanding from Tim my White IC1 Adviser.
2. A written declaration from Tim that he was not and is not a White Supremacist Racist, if this is true.
3. A written apology for the misunderstanding from you, P. Paraskevopoulos.
4. A written declaration of your, P. Paraskevopoulos, Racial Identity using the Police Racial Codes and Government Census data that I have provided for your convenience below.
5. A written declaration from you, P. Paraskevopoulos, stating that you are not a White Supremacist Racist, if that is true.
6. A complete copy of the procedures that were supposed to be in place to protect Black and Non-white people from White Supremacist Racist activity in Enfield Jobcentreplus.
7. A complete copy of the Racial Equality Strategy for Enfield Jobcentreplus.
If you cannot provide any these documents by the deadline of Wednesday 6th March 2013 at 11.00am, please provide a detailed explanation for each document and how soon you expect that the document can be sent.
If you refuse to comply, I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, will perceive the action or inaction as direct or indirect White Supremacist Racist behaviour and disorderly behaviour in sight of a Black person who is being caused Racially Aggravated Harassment, Alarm and Distress contrary to section 5 (1) (A) of the Public Order Act 1986 thereby. A Race Hate Crime.
If, I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, am refused access to the requested documents there will be serious trouble that the management of Enfield Jobcentreplus will be held guilty, to blame and responsible for.
Is that understood / overstood?

The White Supremacist Racists have the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful members club / network in the known world.

The POWER of White Supremacist Racist people is being neutralised, by the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) working together with the Black National Party (BNP), in a civilised, orderly, non-violent, dignified and peaceful manner to humble White Pride World Wide for the greater good .

If you check the facts against the clock you will see that the White Supremacist Racists are losing power and getting weaker every 24 hours as a result of the valuable and magnificent work being done by the members of the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) working from the Moral High Ground in righteousness, glory and majesty.

You White people of Britain are encouraged to join the "BritDems" (British Racial Democratic Party) and sort yourselves out for Racial Equality.

Kind regards

- - - - - - - - - - - - -


To: - - - - - - - - -
Department for Work and Pensions

Enfield Jobcentreplus
34 Windmill Hill
Enfield EN2 7AL
Tel: 0845 6043719
Fax: 020 8219 2888
Date: 22nd February 2013

Dear - - - - - - - - -

I am writing to you about an incident that took place on the 20th February 2013 when you were rude to one of advisers and called him a racist.

We must inform you that such behaviour towards Department for Work and Pensions staff is unacceptable.

We are committed to treating you in a fair and polite manner. In return I expect you to treat us in the same way. Therefore, I trust that you will make sure that this type of incident does not happen again.

If you would like to speak to me about this letter please ring me on 0845 604 3719 during office hours.

Yours faithfully


P. Paraskevopoulos



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