Thursday, 7 February 2013


All English people are White by authority of The Crown and by Order of the British Empire.

Take heed you dark eyed, dark haired, Melanochroid, Philistines!



Department of Economics & STICERD public discussion in association with the Bank of England

Date: Monday 25 March 2013
Time: 5.15-7pm

Speakers: Dr Ben S Bernanke, Olivier Blanchard, Professor Lawrence H. Summers, Axel A. Weber
Chair: Professor Sir Mervyn King
Five years on, the global economy continues to come to terms with the impact of the financial crisis. This event examines the lessons that both economists and policymakers should learn in order to lessen the chance of future crises.

Ben S. Bernanke was sworn in on February 1, 2006, as chairman and a member of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System. Olivier Blanchard is economic counsellor and director, Research Department at the International Monetary Fund. Lawrence H. Summers is President Emeritus of Harvard University. Axel A. Weber is visiting professor of economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, former president of the Deutsche Bundesbank and current chairman of the board of UBS. Professor Sir Mervyn King is governor of the Bank of England.











  1. Interpreting the Racial Currency Data

    Is it correct to say that the key to understanding / overstanding the Racial Currency Data is that the nearer Racial Currencies are to Gold the more stable the Racial Currency Exchange Market is and events that move a Racial Currency to and from Gold reflects the relative stability of the currency?

  2. Has a Racial Equality Secret Service (RESS) member or Black National Party member been able to acquire and study Hildegard Hoeller's Racial Currency: Zora Neale Hurston's "The Gilded Six-Bits" and the Gold Standard Debate?

    The Gilded Six Bits

    The Gilded Six-Bits is a story full of love, betrayal, and forgiveness. It portrays the life of two happy newlyweds who both test their relationship and their love for one another when a charismatic outsider comes into their community and into their home. The story embodies Hurston's typical writing style in which it focuses on the common African-American lifestyle, represented by dialect and metaphors, and is set in her native town Eatonville, FL where it reflects the traditions of the community. The Gilded Six-Bits symbolizes the meaning of a true marriage and the truth that lies underneath its meaning.

  3. TruthDelve asked:

    Interpreting the Racial Currency Data

    Is it correct to say that the key to understanding / overstanding the Racial Currency Data is that the nearer Racial Currencies are to Gold the more stable the Racial Currency Exchange Market is and events that move a Racial Currency to and from Gold reflects the relative stability of the currency?

    RESS Response:

    That might be correct.

    We are still researching.

    These White Supremacist Racists are the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful people in the known world.


How much POWER have you got?