Saturday, 9 March 2013




From: - - - - - - - - - - - -
CC:;;;;;;;; - - - - - - - - - - -
Subject: INGEUS - White Supremacist Racist Suspects
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2013 12:06:33 +0000

2nd Floor, Parma House,
Unit 204,
Clarendon Road,
London, Haringey,
N22 6XF

Tel: 0207 288 2000
Fax: 0207 288 2001


Racism and Ingeus

Date: 9th March 2013

Dear Matthew Lamb Performance and Delivery Manager - Wood Green,

Thank you for your letter that I received the evening of 8th March 2013. I have copied the letter below for others who may be interested in this case. I have also included illustrated copies of the Police Racial Codes and the Census Ethnicity Codes for your convenience and easy reference for Racial/Ethnic clarity.

I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, will not be able to work with Ingeus because I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, perceive that the way that I have been treated by Ingeus has been direct and indirect White Supremacist Racist behaviour and disorderly behaviour in sight of a Black person who was and is being caused Racially Aggravated Harassment, Alarm and Distress contrary to section 5 (1) (A) of the Public Order Act 1986 thereby.

I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, will not be able to work with Ingeus because I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, suspect that the decision making processes in Ingeus are directly and indirectly impacted by White Supremacist Racist behaviour and disorderly behaviour in sight of a Black person who was and is being caused Racially Aggravated Harassment, Alarm and Distress contrary to section 5 (1) (A) of the Public Order Act 1986 thereby.

A Race Hate Crime.

These are the reasons I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR came to the above conclusions:

1.  You wrote:

I am writing in follow up to our meeting held on Friday 1st March, when you attended your first Insight meeting with Ingeus and outlined to both your Advisor Andreas Savva and myself that before you would be able to work with Ingeus you had a series of questions that you would like answering.

My Advisor Andreas Savva, IC2, W9, WGRC, a Greek Cypriot, when asked, said that he was not a Racist but refused to put it in writing. He also said that he was unable to tell me about any procedures in place to protect Black people from White Supremacist Racist activity in Ingeus.
You, Matthew Lamb, IC2, dark hair, dark eyes, Melanochroid, claiming to be English, when asked, said that you were not a Racist but refused to put it in writing. You also said that you were unable to tell me about any procedures in place to protect Black people from White Supremacist Racist activity in Ingeus.

2. You wrote:

You expressed a wish to understand the policies, procedures and five year history relating to Ingeus's past dealing with any racially-related incidents. In the meeting I outlined that you would need to submit a Freedom of Information request.

I have been advised by the Race Equality Secret Service who work effectively together with the Black National Party (BNP) to look for the three (3) P's when dealing with suspect White Supremacist Racist organisations. The three (3) P's are:
  • Policy - Do they have a Race Equality Policy?
  • Procedure - What procedures are in place to carry out the Race Equality  Policy?
  • Performance - What evidence is there that their Race Equality  Policy and Procedures are effective?
So far Ingeus has failed me on Procedure and Performance.

3. You wrote:

For your records I can state that Ingeus maintains an Equal Opportunities Policy that underpins our commitment to providing a fair and equal service to all our clients regardless of race, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation or religious belief. We expect all members of staff to treat all individuals equally and with respect, and I am confident that this happens consistently in all of our offices. This policy has been reviewed and approved by DWP

You, Matthew Lamb, IC2, dark hair, dark eyes, Melanochroid, claiming to be English, were unable to provide any evidence of Procedures in place to protect Black people from White Supremacist Racist activity in Ingeus and were also unable to provide any evidence of  Race Equality Strategy Performance information, claim to be confident that "all members of staff treat all individuals equally and with respect" and that "this happens consistently" in all of Ingeus's offices.

4. You wrote:

May I take this opportunity to reiterate that the Work Programme is a mandatory requirement of your claim to benefits and a follow-up appointment will be booked shortly. Failure to attend this mandatory appointment to our programme may affect your benefits.

Failure to provide the following mandatory information before the follow-up appointment will be perceived, by me, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, as direct and indirect White Supremacist Racist behaviour and disorderly behaviour in sight of a Black person who was and is being caused Racially Aggravated Harassment, Alarm and Distress contrary to section 5 (1) (A) of the Public Order Act 1986 thereby.

Please make sure that Ingeus provides the following mandatory information before the follow-up appointment.

1. A written declaration of the Racial and Ethnic Identities of all the people that I will be expected to speak to in the follow-up appointment using the Police Racial Codes and Government Census Ethnicity Codes that I have provided for your convenience below.
2. A written declaration from all the people that I will be expected to speak to, in Ingeus, at the follow-up appointment, that they are not White Supremacist Racists or  Black / Non-white people that have been made stupid, dizzy, deluded, confused and severely retarded about what Racism is and how Racism works as a result of White Supremacist Racist conditioning since childhood.
3. A complete copy of the Procedures that are in place to protect Black and Non-White people from White Supremacist Racist activity in Ingeus.
4. Evidence that the Performance of the Ingeus Racial Equality Strategy is effective.

If Ingeus cannot provide any these documents please provide a detailed explanation for why each document cannot be provided before the mandatory follow-up appointment.

If Ingeus refuses to comply, I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, will perceive the action or inaction of Ingeus as direct or indirect White Supremacist Racist behaviour and disorderly behaviour in sight of a Black person who is being caused Racially Aggravated Harassment, Alarm and Distress contrary to section 5 (1) (A) of the Public Order Act 1986 thereby and suspect that Ingeus is a White Supremacist Racists  organisation working directly and indirectly to confuse, abuse, exploit, cripple and kill Black and Non-White people.

If, I, a Black person, IC3, B9, BEUR, am refused access to the requested documents before the mandatory follow-up appointment there will be serious trouble that Ingeus will be held guilty, to blame and responsible for.

Is that understood / overstood?
Is Ingeus willing to put an end to this Hot Race War? 

The White Supremacist Racists have the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful members club / network in the known world.

Black and non-white people have been made stupid, dizzy, deluded, confused and severely retarded about what Racism is and how Racism works as a result of White Supremacist Racist conditioning since childhood.

The POWER of White Supremacist Racist people is being neutralised, by the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) working together with the Black National Party (BNP), in a civilised, orderly, non-violent, dignified and peaceful manner to humble White Pride World Wide for the greater good .

If you check the facts against the clock you will see that the White Supremacist Racists are losing power and getting weaker every 24 hours as a result of the valuable and magnificent work being done by the members of the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) working from the Moral High Ground in righteousness, glory and majesty.
 You White people of Britain are encouraged to join the "BritDems" (British Racial Democratic Party), put aside White Pride World Wide and sort yourselves out for Racial Equality and put an end to this Hot Race War.

Kind regards

 (IC3, B9, BEUR)


2nd Floor, Parma House,
Unit 204,
Clarendon Road,
London, Haringey,
N22 6XF

Tel: 0207 288 2000
Fax: 0207 288 2001

Dear - - - - - - - - -

I am writing in follow up to our meeting held on Friday 1st March, when you attended your first Insight meeting with Ingeus and outlined to both your Advisor Andreas Savva and myself that before you would be able to work with Ingeus you had a series of question that you would like answering.

You expressed a wish to understand the policies, procedures and five year history relating to Ingeus's past dealing with any racially-related incidents. In the meeting I outlined that you would need to submit a Freedom of Information request.

In order to request this information, please can you put everything you would like to know in writing, and submit this to either:

Once your request has been received, it will be forwarded to the DWP as the public authority responsible for answering such requests. You should expect a response from them within 20 working days.

For your records I can state that Ingeus maintains an Equal Opportunities Policy that underpins our commitment to providing a fair and equal service to all our clients regardless of race, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation or religious belief. We expect all members of staff to treat all individuals equally and with respect, and I am confident that this happens consistently in all of our offices. This policy has been reviewed and approved by DWP

May I take this opportunity to reiterate that the Work Programme is a mandatory requirement of your claim to benefits and a follow-up appointment will be booked shortly. Failure to attend this mandatory appointment to our programme may affect your benefits.

Yours sincerely,

Signed . . . . .

Matthew Lamb
Performance and Delivery Manager-Wood Green

Ingeus UK Limited is registered in England and Wales, number: 4320853.
Registered Office: 29 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JE






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