Saturday, 6 April 2013

RE: Enfield Jobcentre Plus White Supremacist Racist Activity 2

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From: - - - - - - -
Subject: RE: Enfield Jobcentre Plus White Supremacist Racist Activity 2
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2013 14:58:42 +0100






Phillipe Paraskevopoulos

Advisor Team Manager

Enfield Jobcentreplus

34 Windmill Hill

Enfield EN2 7AL

Tel: 0845 604 3719

Textphone: 0845 608 8551


Date: 6th April 2013

Date: 6th April 2013

Dear Phillipe Paraskevopoulos Advisor Team Manager Enfield Jobcentre Plus,

Thank you for your letter dated 3rd April 2013 that I received 6th April 2013.

I do not understand what you mean for all the reasons I have detailed in my previous emails/letters.

There has been a serious communications break down between you and I, a Black person IC3, B9, BEUR.

I have sought further advice from the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) who work effectively together with the Black National Party (BNP).

The Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) working effectively together with the Black National Party (BNP) suggested that this serious communications break down between you and I, a Black person IC3, B9, BEUR could have happened for a number of reasons which they suggest I should consider:

1. This is England. Englishness is 'Whiteness' and no English person, in their right mind, would name their child "Phillipe Paraskevopoulos".

2. English values are White European (IC1), Northern European, Caucasoid values not Dark European (IC2) Melanochroid values, by order of The Crown.

3. Dark European (IC2) Melanochroids are likely to have problems communicating effectively in English and understanding English cultural values, which are White Racial values, by order of The Crown.

4. The Dark eyed, Dark haired, Dark European (IC2) Melanochroids of Southern Europe are likely to have a Racial inferiority complex in a White Supremacist Racist environment and seek to abuse and confuse Black people to make up for their perceived Racial deficiencies.

5. Racism impacts the perceived ability of a person to be able to conduct themselves "professionally, respectfully and courteously at all times".

On consideration of all the communications between you, Phillipe Paraskevopoulos, and I, a Black person IC3, B9, BEUR, to date, and the advice that I have received from the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) who work effectively together with the Black National Party (BNP), I have decided that you, Phillipe Paraskevopoulos, are not a trustworthy representative of Enfield Jobcentre Plus Management team, and that you, Phillipe Paraskevopoulos, are not able, directly and/or indirectly to provide the help and support that I need to find work.

I have been advised by the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) who work effectively together with the Black National Party (BNP) that I, a Black person IC3, B9, BEUR should continue with this inquiry, gathering evidence, establishing facts, building a case and charging up power.


Will you please pass all the communications between you and I up to your superior. Perhaps your superior will be able to resolve this communication problem and provide all the direct and/or indirect help and support I need to find work as soon as possible.

The White Supremacist Racists have the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful members club / network in the known world.

Black and non-white people have been made stupid, dizzy, deluded, confused and severely retarded about what Racism is and how Racism works as a result of White Supremacist Racist conditioning since childhood.

The POWER of White Supremacist Racist people is being neutralised, by the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) working together with the Black National Party (BNP), in a civilised, orderly, non-violent, dignified and peaceful manner to humble White Pride World Wide for the greater good .

If you check the facts against the clock you will see that the White Supremacist Racists are losing power and getting weaker every 24 hours as a result of the valuable and magnificent work being done by the members of the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) working from the Moral High Ground in righteousness, glory and majesty.

You White people of Britain are encouraged to join the "BritDems" (British Racial Democratic Party) and sort yourselves out for Racial Equality.

You White people of Europe are advised to study the european Racial Partition map of Europe and sort yourselves out for Racial Equality.



Kind regards

- - - - - - - (IC3, B9, BEUR)


- - - - - - - - - -



Department for Work and Pensions

Enfield Jobcentreplus

34 Windmill Hill

Enfield EN2 7AL

Tel: 0845 604 3719

Textphone: 0845 608 8551


Date: 2nd April 2013

Dear - - - - - - - - ,

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 19.03.13, as you stated your previous letter was not a complaint but you were gathering evidence to establish a number of facts, I will endeavor to answer as many of your questions, we want to give you the best service we can and for you to be happy with the advice we give you and the way we treat you.

1. You have asked me a question regarding my ethnicity, as stated in my previous response I will not comply with this request for any member of staff to disclose their racial identity, all DWP staff are covered by our Diversity and Equality Policy and by legislation and I am not required to disclose this information.

2. You have stated that you have made no racism allegations in your previous letter, therefore it is not necessary for me to comment any further on this issue.

3. You have asked what behaviour towards the Department for Works and Pensions staff do we consider to be unacceptable, and what language have you used which need to be moderated?

4. You have made a number of allegations in your recent letter stating that the management of Enfield Jobcentre Plus has failed to provide evidence of implementing and promotion of Race Equality principles in our day to day dealings with customers and in providing evidence of the reporting of these principles. You continue to say that this has resulted in a black person experiencing direct/indirect White Supremacist Racist and disorderly behaviour who is being caused Racially Aggravated Harassment, Alarm and Distress. In addition to this you continue to say that the management of Enfield Jobcentre Plus has caused a Black person to suspect that White Supremacist Racists work directly and indirectly to confuse, abuse, exploit, cripple and kill Black and Non-white people, Race Hate Criminals.

These allegations you have made are prime examples of the behaviour towards the Department for Work and Pensions staff which we consider to be unacceptable and can cause offence, the context of your references to White Supremacist Racists and Race Hate Criminals are again examples of the lanaguage you use which is inappropiate and not based on any facts.

I can also confirm that we expect our staff to conduct themselves professionally, respectfully and courteously at all times. Equally we expect similar behaviour and an appropriate level of respect from our customers, and I should also like to add that the Department takes its equal opportunities policies extremely seriously. Therefore, having read your letter I must advise you that these references you have made, whatever your intention, can be viewed by others as offensive and, as a result they are inappropiate. Therefore, I would again respectfully request that in future you moderate your lanaguage to ensure that you do not cause offence.

As stated in my previous letter we are very keen to help & support you in finding work and I have spoken with your Advisor and who can provide you with any additional advice and support that you require on your next attendance.

At Jobcentre Plus we always aim to provide a high level of customer service. We welcome all your comments, complaints, or ideas for things we could improve. Your feedback helps us look at what we do and how we could do it better. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Signed . . .

Phillipe Paraskevopoulos

Advisor Team Manager

Enfield Jobcentre Plus







1 comment:

  1. Enfield Jobcentre Plus White Supremacist Racist Activity 2

    "...I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 19.03.13, as you stated your previous letter was not a complaint but you were gathering evidence to establish a number of facts, I will endeavor to answer as many of your questions, we want to give you the best service we can and for you to be happy with the advice we give you and the way we treat you...."

    Requests that were made by Black Person (IC3) from the outset:

    1. A written apology for the misunderstanding from Tim my White IC1 Adviser.

    2. A written declaration from Tim that he was not and is not a White Supremacist Racist, if this is true.

    3. A written apology for the misunderstanding from you, P. Paraskevopoulos.

    4. A written declaration of your, P. Paraskevopoulos, Racial Identity using the Police Racial Codes and Government Census data that I have provided for your convenience below.

    5. A written declaration from you, P. Paraskevopoulos, stating that you are not a White Supremacist Racist, if that is true.

    6. A complete copy of the procedures that were supposed to be in place to protect Black and Non-white people from White Supremacist Racist activity in Enfield Jobcentreplus.

    7. A complete copy of the Racial Equality Strategy for Enfield Jobcentreplus.

    In the previous communication we indentified that only requests 3 and 7 were met. This still remains the case after the latest response from P. Paraskevopoulos.

    We suspect that P. Paraskevopoulos does not understand English very well and/or that his responses are dictated by a superior that is working to protect the system of White Supremacy.

    To ask for the matter to be taken up to P. Paraskevopoulos superior is the correct course of action.

    The Black National Party (BNP) member is providing Powerful Lessons in dealing with suspect White Supremacist Racist organisations.


How much POWER have you got?