Tuesday, 21 May 2013


10th London Schools and the Black Child Conference [1.5217391304348]

10th London Schools and the Black Child Conference

Places are extremely limited therefore registration is essential. To register for the event through eventbrite please click on the following link http://lsbc.eventbrite.com/ .
Conference details:
Date: 1 June 2013
Time: 9am-2pm
Address: Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL

Event Details

Dear friends,
I have campaigned for many years on educational issues. In particular I have researched, organised and spoken out on the way in which the education system fails children of African and Afro-Caribbean descent and worked with the Black community to highlight and challenge these inequalities. Since we began this work we have seen real improvements in the educational outcomes for black children. The LSBC awards showcase year on year the most academically gifted Black children. With the right support and opportunities our children can break down the stereotypes and rank amongst the very best in the country.
But there is a lot more to do.  The education system is undergoing some fundamental changes and we need to ensure that Black children are not left behind. Many of the initiatives that propelled our children into higher levels of achievement have borne the brutal brunt of public sector cuts. This is against a backdrop of attempts to remove key Black British figures from history lessons; soaring exclusions of young black boys; and an increasingly marketised further and higher education system that may see underprivileged black children priced out.
In 2002 I held the first ever London Schools and the Black Child conference and was able hold this event every year up until 2009, with the support of the Mayor of London. I remain passionate about helping all our children to achieve educationally, which is why I am so pleased to announce the conference’s return for 2013.
As in previous years the event will include an array of experienced speakers and bring together parents, children, teachers and community educators. The discussion will focus on what we can do to challenge the discrimination that our children face and ensure that they get the very best from their education.
I hope to see you tere.
If you have any further queries please contact Bell.RibeiroAddy@Parliament.uk .

Yours sincerely,
Diane Abbott MP





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