Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Black Hygiene in question?


Ossett cafe owner 'warns' customers she is black

Martha-Renée Kolleh said the notice had prompted "one or two swear words"

A cafe owner has put up a sign telling customers she is black because she is fed up with people walking out when they see the colour of her skin.

The sign on the door of Yeanon Cafe in Ossett, West Yorkshire, reads: "I am a black woman... If you are allergic to black people, don't come in."

Martha-Renée Kolleh said some people "take a look at me and walk out". . . . . . . . . . . .

Martha-Renee Kolleh at cafe door
They just open the door of my cafe and once they take a look at me they walk out”
Martha-Renée Kolleh Owner, Cafe Yeanon


Is this really about Black hygiene?

Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

about racism in UK
130711-Guz_Martha_Renee_race_cafe_010.phGabriel Szabo / Guzelian
Martha-Renee Kolleh is fed up with people walking out of her diner in Wakefield, England, after they see the color of her skin.
By Henry Austin, NBC News contributor
LONDON -- A diner owner has triggered soul-searching about racism in Britain after putting up a sign informing customers she is black



'I am black' café owner 'shocked' by media frenzy

OVERWHELMED: Martha-Renée Kolleh
THE OWNER of a café in West Yorkshire who put a sign on the door alerting prospective customers to the fact she was black says shocked by the subsequent media attention.


Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

'If you are allergic to black people, don't come in' – at first I balked …

Cafe owner Martha-Renee Kolleh's defiant response to insidious racism is preferable to constantly doubting your own experience
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Martha-Renee Kolleh cafe owner
Martha-Renee Kolleh, who owns a cafe in the town of Ossett, Yorkshire, has put up a sign telling customers she is black because she is fed up with people walking out when they see the colour of her skin. Photograph: Gabriel Szabo/Guzelian
Increasingly in today's Britain, the word racism conjures up two very differing images for white and black people (I use black here in the political sense). When I explain to white friends that certain things that I have had said or done to me are racist, it is more often that not met with incredulity. How can that be racist? . . . . . . .

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