Tuesday, 3 September 2013

This is a Riddle!

August 29th, 2013, 09:37 AM  #1
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Talking This is a Riddle!


The lion and the unicorn Were fighting for the crown The lion beat the unicorn All around the town. Some gave them white bread, And some gave them brown; Some gave them plum cake and drummed them out of town.

The Lion and the Unicorn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This cake is much better / tastier than "Plum Cake".


Have your cake and eat it

By Adam Jacot de Boinod - Today, 16:00 CET

Auf zwei Hochzeiten tanzen (German). To dance at two weddings.
Avoir le beurre, l'argent du beurre (et la crémière avec) (French). To have butter, money from butter, and the woman who makes the butter.
Non si puo avere la botte piena è la moglie ubriaca (Italian). You can't have a full cask of wine and a drunken wife.
Mä cha halt nid dr Fünfer und
s' Weggli ha (Swiss German). You can't have the fiver and the bread roll.

Have your cake and eat it | European Voice

"Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", supposedly spoken by "a great princess" upon learning that the peasants had no bread. Since brioche was made from dough enriched with butter and eggs, and those ingredients were even more scarce and more costly than dough, making brioche even more out of the reach of the peasants than bread, the quote supposedly would reflect the princess's obliviousness as to the condition of the people.

Let them eat cake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




  1. This is a Riddle


    Is the outer White Box of the Racial Cake significant? If it is significant what does it represent?

    Is the inner Black Box of the Racial Cake significant? If it is significant what does it represent?

    We will meditate on the Riddle.

  2. This is a Riddle

    "The lion and the unicorn Were fighting for the crown The lion beat the unicorn All around the town. Some gave them white bread, And some gave them brown; Some gave them plum cake and drummed them out of town."

    Cryptic Clues


    White Supremacy?

    Civilisation (Gay)?

    Color (law) (Hypocrisy)?

    Racial Violence (made by Recipe)?


How much POWER have you got?