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Monday, 24 November 2014


Question: A Mixed Jamaican in Multi-Cultural and Racist Britain?

Answer: No. All Jamaicans are Black and Britain is Racist.


Afrika - 'k' is used when spelling Afrika, because for many activists the 'k' represents an acknowledgement that 'Africa' is not the true name of that vast continent. Afrika with a 'k' represents a redefined Afrika, completely different from the racist colonial or neo-colonial Africa, and symbolizes a renewal of Afrikan people, whose both parents are Black Afrikan, united with Mixed Afrikan people, that are inspired with spiritual strength, wisdom and righteousness. 

Alesia Greenidge
A Mixed Jamaican in Multi-Cultural and Racist Britain? 
Page 17-21 extracted


Afrika? - 'k' was used when spelling Africa (IC3), because for many deluded activists the 'k' represented an acknowledgement that 'Africa (IC3)' was not the true name of that vast continent. Afrika? with a 'k' represented an attempt to redefine Africa, completely different from the White Supremacist/Racist colonial or neo-colonial Africa, and symbolized an attempted renewal of African (IC3) people, whose both parents are Black African (IC3, B2), united with Mixed African (IC6, M2) people, that are inspired with spiritual strength, wisdom and righteousness.

1. There is no Afrikan Culture.

2. There are no Afrikan heritage people.

3. There are no Anglo-Africans. Black Europeans IC3, B9, BEUR is the correct term by Order of The Crown.

4. There are no Anglo-Mixed Africans. The correct terminology is Mixed-Race African, IC6, M2, MWBA by Order of The Crown.

5. There are no Mixed-Afrikans. The correct terminology is Mixed-Race African, IC6, M2, MWBA by Order of The Crown.

6. There are no Mixed Jamaicans. There are Mixed-Race people IC6, M1, MWBC in Jamaica and the Caribbean 
by Order of The Crown.

7. There is Racial Righteousness by Order of The Crown.

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Black National Party BNP

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