Tuesday, 19 May 2015

HR The Foreign & Commonwealth Office Race Relations

HR The Foreign & Commonwealth Office Race Relations

From: Ashraf.Khan@fco.gov.uk
To: derrick_lynch@hotmail.co.uk
CC: black.national.party@gmail.com
Subject: RE: NEW FOI 0466-15 Derrick Lynch Race Relations Policy
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 10:52:45 +0000

Dear Mr Lynch

Thank you for your e-mail.

The relevant Department will action your request as a Departmental response.


FOI and DPA Team


From: Derrick Lynch [mailto:derrick_lynch@hotmail.co.uk]
Sent: 19 May 2015 11:50
To: Ashraf Khan (Sensitive)
Cc: black.national.party@gmail.com
Subject: RE: NEW FOI 0466-15 Derrick Lynch Race Relations Policy

Dear Ashraf Khan,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I am content with that approach.

Kind regards

Derrick Lynch, IC3, B9, BEUR

From: Ashraf.Khan@fco.gov.uk
To: derrick_lynch@hotmail.co.uk
Subject: NEW FOI 0466-15 Derrick Lynch Race Relations Policy
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 10:30:04 +0000

Dear Mr Lynch,

We received your email below on 14 May and accepted your request for information as a Freedom of Information request under our ref 0466-15 on the same day.

It has been decided that your request will be best answered with a departmental response from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) department concerned. We therefore intend to close this FOI request. Please let us know whether you are content with this approach and you will receive a response from the department by 12 June.


FOI and DPA Team

From: Derrick Lynch [mailto:derrick_lynch@hotmail.co.uk]
Sent: 14 May 2015 12:19
To: FCO Correspondence (Sensitive); Newsdesk (Sensitive); FOI-DPA IMD (Sensitive)
Cc: black.national.party@gmail.com; george.ruddock@gvmedia.co.uk; info@irr.org.uk; info@obv.org.uk; toyin@ligali.org
Subject: awaiting advice from HR The Foreign & Commonwealth Office Race Relations

To whom it may concern at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office,

I am Derrick Lynch and I have heard some disturbing news about the Foreign & Commonwealth Office Race Relations. I prefer not to go by rumours so I have decided to make some inquiries for myself and my community.

I live at 5 Hedge Hill, Enfield, EN2 8RU.

I am classified, by the British Government, as an IC3, Black, Male.

I have attached illustrated versions of the Race and Ethnicity Codes as used by the British Police and Civil Services.

I am a victim of Racism which I understand as being the same as White Supremacy.

I have been reading the Foreign & Commonwealth Office website.

Please could you send me:

1. The Foreign & Commonwealth Office Race Relations Policy.

2. A Foreign & Commonwealth Office report on how the Race Relations Policy has been performing to date.

3. Details of how the Foreign & Commonwealth Office manages and monitors Race Relations.

4. Details of how many Black people are in and have been in Senior Management positions in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

Please process this request for information under the Freedom of Information Act if necessary.

Kind regards

Derrick Lynch, IC3, B9, BEUR

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"There is no escape

from the

long arm of

the Racial law".







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