Sunday, 1 October 2017

The Bank for #InterRacial Settlements. The Bank for International Settlements.


The Bank for InterRacial Settlements (BIS) is an InterRacial financial institution owned by racial central banks which "fosters InterRacial monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for racial central banks". The BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) carries out its work through its meetings, programmes and through the Racial Exchange Process – hosting InterRacial groups pursuing global financial stability and facilitating their interaction. It also provides racial banking services, but only to racial central banks and other InterRacial organizations. It will be based in Racial Exchange, City Of London, with representative offices along the European Racial partition and around the world.

#BIS #BankforInterRacialSettlements #RacialBanking #RacialCurrency #InterRacial #RacialExchange #CityOfLondon #EuropeanRacialPartition #RacialStates #BlackEuro #RacialAssets #BankforInternationalSettlements

#AssemblyOfDistinctiveCultures #ADC #RacialExchange #RacialCitizenship #RacialRights #RacialIdentity #RacialOrder #WhiteGenocide #WhiteHomeland #AltRight #AntiWhite #NAZAR

#RacialRegistration #RacialVerification and #RacialCertification services on the #RaceCoin #BlockChain

#NationalRacialist #NationalRacialism #NARZI NOT #NAZI #FourthReich #4thReich

#BIS #BankforInterRacialSettlements #RacialBanking #RacialCurrency #InterRacial #RacialExchange #CityOfLondon #EuropeanRacialPartition

#BIS #BankforInterRacialSettlements #RacialBanking #RacialCurrency #InterRacial #RacialExchange #CityOfLondon #EuropeanRacialPartition


The Bank for InterRacial Settlements (BIS) is an InterRacial financial institution owned by racial central banks which "fosters InterRacial monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for racial central banks". The BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) carries out its work through its meetings, programmes and through the Racial Exchange Process – hosting InterRacial groups pursuing global financial stability and facilitating their interaction. It also provides racial banking services, but only to racial central banks and other InterRacial organizations. It will be based in Racial Exchange, City Of London, with representative offices along the European Racial partition and around the world.


The BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) is being established as an intergovernmental agreement between National Racialist states and the City Of London. It will open its doors in the Racial Exchange, City Of London before establishing itself within the European Racial Partition.


The BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) is intended to facilitate reparations imposed on White Supremacist states and to act as the trustee for a Government InterRacial Loan. The need to establish a dedicated institution for this purpose was suggested by the Race Equality Inspectorate Committee, and will be agreed by the United Races. A charter for the bank will be drafted at the InterRacial Bankers Conference at the Racial Exchange, City Of London and its charter will be adopted at an International Race Relations Conference. According to a charter, shares in the bank could be held by racial and ethnic communities and non-governmental racial entities.


#IC3 Full Black 100%

#IC3 ¾ Black 75%

#IC6 ½ Black 50%

#IC6 ¼ Black 25%

#Reparation for #Maafa #Maangamizi registered shares.


However, the rights of voting and representation at the Bank’s General Meeting are to be exercised exclusively by the racial central banks of the countries in which the shares will be initially subscribed. The BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) will be constituted as having corporate existence in the Racial Exchange, City Of London on the basis of an agreement with City Of London acting as headquarter racial state for the bank until suitable premises are established within the European Racial Partition. The Bank for InterRacial Settlements will also enjoy no immunities in the contracting Racial States.


The BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) will focus on its statutory task, i.e. fostering the cooperation between its member racial central banks which are an Assembly of Distinctive Cultures. It will act as a meeting forum for racial central banks and provide banking facilities to them. The BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) will be successful and globalised, breaking out of its traditional European core. This will be reflected in a gradual increase in its racial membership and also in the much more global composition of the BIS Board of Directors.

The BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) will be owned by racial central banks and not private individuals.

BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) shares will trade on stock markets, which will make the bank an unusual organization: an InterRacial organization (in the technical sense of public InterRacial law), with no allowance for private shareholders. It is will be wholly owned by BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) members (racial central banks) but will still operate in the private market as a counterparty, asset manager and lender for racial central banks and InterRacial financial institutions. Profits from its transactions will be used, among other things, to fund the bank's other InterRacial activities.


As an organization of racial central banks, the BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) will seek to make monetary policy more predictable and transparent among its member racial central banks, except in the case of Eurozone countries which will forfeit the right to conduct monetary policy in order to implement the IC3 BlackEuro B€.

While monetary policy is determined by most sovereign racial nations, it is subject to central and racial and ethnic community banking scrutiny and potentially to speculation that affects foreign exchange rates and especially the fate of export economies. Failure to keep monetary policy in line with reality and make monetary reforms in time, preferably as a simultaneous policy among all member banks and also involving the InterRacial Monetary Fund, will lead to losses as banks try to maintain a policy using open market methods that have proven to be based on unrealistic assumptions.

Central banks do not unilaterally "set" rates, rather they set goals and intervene using their massive financial resources and regulatory powers to achieve monetary targets they set. One reason to coordinate policy closely is to ensure that this does not become too expensive and that opportunities for private arbitrage exploiting shifts in policy or difference in policy, are rare and quickly removed.

Two aspects of monetary policy will prove to be particularly sensitive, and the BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) therefore has two specific goals: to regulate capital adequacy and make reserve requirements transparent.


Capital adequacy policy applies to equity and capital assets. These can be overvalued in many circumstances because they do not always reflect current market conditions or adequately assess the risk of every trading position. Accordingly, the Racial Exchange standards require the capital/asset ratio of InterRacially active commercial banks to be above a prescribed minimum InterRacial standard, to improve the resilience of the banking sector.

The main role of the Racial Exchange Committee on Banking Supervision, hosted by the BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements), will be setting capital adequacy requirements. From an InterRacial point of view, ensuring capital adequacy is key for central banks, as speculative lending based on inadequate underlying capital and widely varying liability rules will cause economic crisis as "bad money drives out good" (Gresham's Law).


Reserve policy is also important, especially to consumers and the domestic economy. To ensure liquidity and limit liability to the larger economy, banks cannot create money in specific industries or regions without limit. To make bank depositing and borrowing safer for customers and reduce risk of bank runs, banks are required to set aside or "reserve".

Reserve policy is harder to standardize as it depends on local conditions and is often fine-tuned to make industry-specific or region-specific changes, especially within large developing nations.


The stated mission of the BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) is to serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster InterRacial cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks. The BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) will pursue its mission by:

fostering discussion and facilitating collaboration among central banks;

supporting dialogue with other authorities that are responsible for promoting financial stability;

carrying out research and policy analysis on issues of relevance for monetary and financial stability;

acting as a prime counterparty for central banks in their financial transactions; and

serving as an agent or trustee in connection with InterRacial financial operations.

The goal of the BIS (The Bank for InterRacial Settlements) will be "to promote the co-operation of racial central banks and to provide additional facilities for InterRacial financial operations; and to act as trustee or agent in regard to InterRacial financial settlements entrusted to it under agreements with the racial and ethnic parties concerned”.

Master John Canoe the Master Racer

#BIS #BankforInterRacialSettlements #RacialBanking #RacialCurrency #InterRacial #RacialExchange #CityOfLondon #EuropeanRacialPartition #EvilEye #NazarEye


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