Thursday, 7 June 2018

Wakanda Bank Rules

Wakanda Bank Rules
(DRAFT COPY UPDATE 05/06/2018)


The purpose of the Wakanda Bank is to act as a Central Black Bank for the IC3, Black/Negro Community/Nation for the investigation and collection of reparation monies and resources owed to and due to the IC3, Negro/Black Nation/Community.

The Wakanda Bank uses the term ‘Black’ as the most effective way to communicate with the established order on matters relating to a specific people who have been classified as ‘Black’, ‘Negro’ and codified as ‘IC3’.

The Wakanda Bank will investigate and collect reparation monies and resources owed to and due to the IC3, Negro/Black Nation/Community. All those who are not IC3 ‘Black people’ and/or who do not want to be identified as ‘Black People’ have no claim to the reparation monies and resources collected by the Wakanda Bank of behalf of the Community/Nation classified and identified as IC3 ‘Black’.


The Wakanda Bank limits membership to these specific groups of people detailed below:

1. IC3, B1, Black Caribbean

2. IC3, B2, Black African

3. IC3, B9, Black Other

These three (3) Racial and Ethnic categories of Black people are the same as Negro people by Wakanda Bank standards.

These three (3) Racial and Ethnic categories of Black people or Negro people by Wakanda Bank standards belong to the following specific ethnic groups:

1. BAFR, Black African

2. BANN, Black Angolan

3. BAOF, Other Black African

4. BCON, Black Congolese

5. BCRB, Black Caribbean

6. BEUR, Black European

7. BGHA, Black Ghanaian

8. BNAM, Black North American

9. BNGN, Black Nigerian

10. BOTB, Black Other

11. BOTH, Any other Black Background

12. BSLN, Black Sierra Leonean

13. BSOM, Black Somali

14. BSUD, Black Sudanese

The Wakanda Bank limits membership to these specific groups of Black-Mixed-Race people detailed below:

1. IC6, M1, Mixed White and Black Caribbean

2. IC6, M2, Mixed White and Black African

3. IC6, M9, Mixed Black and any Other Race or Ethnicity

These three (3) Racial and Ethnic categories of Black-Mixed-Race people are the same as Negro people mixed with Non-Black people by Wakanda Bank standards.

These three (3) Racial and Ethnic categories of Black-Mixed-Race people are the same as Negro people mixed with Non-Black people belonging to the following specific ethnic groups:

1. MABL, Mixed Asian and Black

2. MBCH, Mixed Black and Chinese/Oriental

3. MBOE, Mixed Black and any Other Ethnic group

4. MWBA, Mixed White and Black African

5. MWBA, Mixed White and Black Caribbean


In addition to ones Race and Ethnicity Codes one must choose a Culture Identifier. This can be a name of the place that you believe helps others to recognise the culture that has shaped your language, accent, and demeanour.


All monies and resources that come into the Wakanda Bank as a result of a successful Reparation Claim are divided into Reparation Shares which are calculated based on the deduction of the total percentage value of Non-Black people in ones ‘Family Tree’. The more Non-Black people one has in their own traceable lineage the larger the share of Race Tax, as a percentage, will be deducted from ones Reparation Share. Percentages of ones Reparation Share will be taken, as a Race Tax, from the total Reparation Share that one is due based of the total number of Non-Black people in ones ‘Family Tree’.


50% Race Tax for a Non-Black Father of Mother
25% Race Tax for a Non-Black Grand Father or Grand Mother
12.5% Race Tax for a Non-Black Great Grand Father of Great Grand Mother
6.25% Race Tax for a Non-Black Great Great Grand Father of Great Great Grand Mother

Race Tax is applied only once along each of one’s direct lines of lineage on ones ‘Family Tree’. The Race Tax is deducted from the first Non-Black person along the lineage lines of ones ‘Family Tree’ so that there will be no further deductions as a result of each of the Mixed-Race people that are born thereafter.

Members who are unsatisfied with their Reparation Share may launch new appeals with new evidence for the IC3, Black Community to study the details of each court case and make a final decision based on the weight of evidence.


40% Race Tax for a Non-Black Father of Mother
20% Race Tax for a Non-Black Grand Father or Grand Mother
10% Race Tax for a Non-Black Great Grand Father of Great Grand Mother
5% Race Tax for a Non-Black Great Great Grand Father of Great Great Grand Mother

Reduced Race Tax is applied only once along each of one’s direct lines of lineage on ones ‘Family Tree’ after a successful appeal decision in favour. The Reduced Race Tax is deducted from the first Non-Black person along the lineage lines of ones ‘Family Tree’ so that there will be no further deductions as a result of each of the Mixed-Race people that are born thereafter.

Members who are unsatisfied with their Reparation Share may launch new appeals with new evidence for the IC3, Black Community to study the details of each court case and make a final decision based on the weight of evidence.


All monies and resources that come into the Wakanda Bank as a result of a successful Reparation Claim are divided into Reparation Shares and will not be distributed directly to members of the Wakanda Bank. Reparation Shares are used to gauge one’s membership status, rank and authority within the Wakanda Bank. The higher the percentage of IC3, Black people in ones ‘Family Tree’ or lineage the higher one’s status, rank and authority within the Wakanda Bank. The Wakanda Bank members form a disciplined IC3, Black Nation. The Wakanda Bank becomes the IC3, Black National Central Bank.


An IC3, Black member of a different Black Ethnic group cannot outrank an IC3, Black member of another Black Ethnic group under any circumstances.

IC3, B1, Black Caribbean, Officers are responsible for the conduct of IC3, B1, Black Caribbean affairs.

IC3, B2, Black African Officers are responsible for the conduct of IC3, B2, Black African affairs.

IC3, B9, Black Other Officers are responsible for the conduct of IC3, B9, Black Other affairs.

If an IC3, Black member outranks an IC3, Black member of another Black Ethnic group the situation must be brought before a tribunal/community court so that the causes and reasons of the incident can be thoroughly explained and fully examined for the record.

The Wakanda Bank Racial Ranking system does not necessarily apply to those who are members of the various projects and investments that are funded/financed by the Wakanda Bank. The Wakanda Bank Racial Ranking system is designed to maintain discipline and order within the Central Black Bank.


An IC6, Black-Mixed-Race member cannot outrank an IC3, Black member under any circumstances. If an IC6, Black-Mixed-Race member outranks an IC3, Black member the situation must be brought before a tribunal/community court so that the causes and reasons of the incident can be thoroughly explained and fully examined for the record.


The Wakanda Bank members enjoy the benefits of monies and resources that come into the Wakanda Bank by getting training, education, employment and participation in projects and investments designed and approved by the Wakanda Bank members to repair and develop the IC3, Black Communities which form parts of the IC3, Black Nation.

The Wakanda Bank Racial Ranking system does not necessarily apply to those who are members of the various projects and investments that are funded/financed by the Wakanda Bank. The Wakanda Bank Racial Ranking system is designed to maintain discipline and order within the Central Black Bank.


The Wakanda Bank will act as an intermediate body to collect and/or negotiate benefits, monies and resources on behalf of the members of the IC3, Black, and IC6, Black-Mixed-Race Community. The Wakanda Bank will have teams of trained/educated experts on particular issues that will prove relevant to effective Reparation Claim negotiation.


The Wakanda Bank will organise regular events to raise awareness of the Wakanda Bank throughout the IC3, Black Communities and IC6, Black-Mixed-Race Communities in order for those people to share the benefits of monies and resources that come into the Wakanda Bank, as a result of successful Reparation Claims, by partaking in training, education, employment and participation in projects and investments designed and approved by the Wakanda Bank members to repair and develop the IC3, Black Communities which form parts of the IC3, Black Nation.

The Wakanda Bank Outreach program will seek to encourage members of the other Races and Ethnicities to provide evidence that helps to secure successful Black Reparations Claims. The Wakanda Bank will reward generously anybody who submits evidence that helps to secure successful Black Reparations Claims.


A Racial Asset-Backed Security (RABS) is a security whose income payments and hence value are derived from and collateralised (or "backed") by a specified pool of underlying assets. The pool of Racial Assets are people classified as Black or Mixed Black, a group of small but illiquid assets which are unable to be sold individually.

Pooling the Racial Assets into financial instruments allows them to be sold to Racial and Ethnic investors, a process called securitization, and allows the risk of investing in the underlying Racial Assets to be diversified because each security will represent a fraction of the total value of the diverse pool of underlying Racial Assets. The pools of underlying Racial Assets can include payments from successful Reparation claims for the enslavement of African people and well as other forms of payment.

Often a separate institution, like a Black Bank, called a special purpose vehicle, is created to handle the securitisation of Racial Asset backed securities. The special purpose vehicle, which creates and sells the securities to Black projects, uses the proceeds of the sale to pay back the Black Bank that created, or originated, the underlying assets. The special purpose vehicle is responsible for "bundling" the underlying Racial Assets into a specified pool that will fit the risk preferences and other needs of investors who might want to buy the securities, for managing credit risk – often by transferring it to a Black insurance company after paying a premium – and for distributing payments from the securities.

As long as the credit risk of the underlying Racial Assets is transferred to another Black institution, the originating Black Bank removes the value of the underlying Racial Assets from its balance sheet and receives cash in return as the Racial Asset Backed Securities are sold, a transaction which can improve its credit rating and reduce the amount of capital that it needs. In this case, a credit rating of the Racial Asset Backed Securities would be based only on the assets and liabilities of the special purpose vehicle, and this rating could be higher than if the originating Black Bank issued the securities because the risk of the Racial Asset Backed Securities would no longer be associated with other risks that the originating Black Bank might bear. A higher credit rating could allow the special purpose vehicle and, by extension, the originating institution to pay a lower interest rate (and hence, charge a higher price) on the Racial Asset-Backed Securities than if the originating institution borrowed funds or issued bonds.

Thus, one incentive for Black Banks to create securitised Racial Assets is to remove risky assets from their balance sheet by having another institution assume the credit risk, so that they (the Black Banks) receive cash in return. This allows Black Banks to invest more of their capital in new loans or other assets and possibly have a lower capital requirement.


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