Thursday, 22 September 2011

INGEUS (Part 4)

. . . . . . . continued from Part 3

INGEUS (Part 4)


v1.0 (June 2011)

Work Programme
Start notification letter (JSA)

Jobcentre Plus

Telephone: 0208 219 5622

Date: 21/09/11

Dear ------------------

From today to continue getting Jobseeker's Allowance and/or National Insurance credits, you must take part in the Work Programme.

Ingeus or one of their partners, will support you whilst on the Work Programme. They will discuss what help you need to find work, and draw up an action plan of things you'll do to improve your chances of getting a job.

You must complete any activities that Ingeus tells you to do.

You will still need to attend the Jobcentre and meet your benefit conditions including reporting any changes of circumstances.

You must take part in the Work Programme until you are told otherwise.

If you fail to take part in the Work Programme without a good reason, your Jobseeker's Allowance could  stop for up to 26 weeks. You could also lose your National Insurance credits.

We have passed your contact details on to Ingeus who will be in touch with you shortly.

Yours sincerely,

Juliette Edghill
Manager (on behalf of the Secretary of State)




"I may now touch upon the likeness of the English to the Jews, a topic discussed at length by Wagner. It cannot be doubted that of the Germanic races the English are in closest relationship with the Jews. Their orthodoxy and their devotion to the Sabbath afford a direct indication. The religion of the Englishman is always tinged with hypocrisy, and his asceticism is largely prudery. The English, like women, have been most unproductive in religion and in music; there may be irreligious poets, although not great artists, but there is no irreligious musician. So, also, the English have produced no great architects or philosophers. Berkely, like Swift and Sterne, were Irish; Carlyle, Hamilton, and Burns were Scotch. Shakespeare and Shelley, the two greatest Englishmen, stand far from the pinnacle of humanity; they do not reach so far as Angelo and Beethoven. If we consider English philosophers we shall see that there has been a great degeneration since the Middle Ages. It began with William of Ockham and Duns Scotus; it proceeded through Roger Bacon and his namesake, the Chancellor; through Hobbes, who, mentally, was so near akin to Spinoza; through the superficial Locke to Hartley, Priestley, Bentham, the two Mills, Lewes, Huxley, andSpencer. These are the greatest names in the history of English philosophy, for Adam Smith and David Hume were Scotch men. It must always be remembered against England, that from her there came the soulless psychology. The Englishman has impressed himself on the German as a rigorous empiricist and as a practical politician, but these two sides exhaust his importance in philosophy. There has never yet been a true philosopher who made empiricism his basis, and no Englishman has
got beyond empiricism without external help."



White people are the happiest people in the known world.


  1. Jobcentre Plus Letter


    Futile attempt at Penis Removal/Castration?

    Bernie Lomax

    Clip Excerpt: "two little schmucks"

    Schmuck (pejorative)

    "...Schmuck entered English as a borrowed pejorative from a common Yiddish insult. The Online Etymology Dictionary defines it as "contemptible person," 1892, from E. Yiddish shmok, lit. "penis," from Old Polish smok, "grass snake, dragon."..."

  2. Jobcentre Plus Letter Part 2

    Weekend At Bernie's HD Blu-ray clip

    Weekend at Bernie's


    "...Paulie arrives, kills Bernie by injection and leaves heroin to make it appear as an apparent overdose...."'s

    her·o·ine   /ˈhɛroʊɪn/ Show Spelled[her-oh-in] Show IPA
    1. a woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for her brave deeds and noble qualities.
    2. the principal female character in a story, play, film, etc.

    Penis removal

    In ancient civilizations, removal of the human penis was sometimes used as a means of demonstrating superiority: armies were sometimes known to sever the penises of their enemies to count the dead, as well as for trophies, although usually only the foreskins were taken by the Jews.


How much POWER have you got?