Tuesday, 6 December 2011

CABINET OFFICE RETREAT - Behind the White Line


The White Supremacist Racists and their non-white allies retreat behind the White Line . Though sorely tempted to celebrate the demise of White Supremacy in Whitehall the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) hold their position and maintain order and discipline within the Racial Regiments.


Discourse Extracts

From: -------- ---------------@hotmail.co.uk
To: cswebsite@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk; cswebsite@cabinet-office.gov.uk
CC: contactus@communities.gov.uk; enquiries@geo.gsi.gov.uk; foi@equalityhumanrights.com; info@enfieldrec.org.uk; info@equalityhumanrights.com; info@haringeyrec.org.uk; info@irr.org.uk; ministers@dwp.gsi.gov.uk; race_equality_inspectorate@yahoo.co.uk; race_equality_secret_service_@hotmail.com; stratford.appeals@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk; info@enfieldcab.org.uk; christiana.during@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.christine.hamilton@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.nneka.keazor@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.ozzie.uzoanya@enfield.gov.uk; chris@fortehomes.co.uk; admin@fortehomes.co.uk; revs@enfield.gov.uk
Subject: Freedom of Information Act & Cabinet Office Racial Decision Making
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 15:50:55 +0000

Dear Cabinet Office Manager,

Please will you read the following communications between Chris and myself.

I suspect that Chris's behaviour is the result of mental illness, his own White Supremacist Racist views and /or the impact of White Supremacy in the Cabinet Office.

Please would you advise on the best way to resolve the issues raised.

Kind regards

-------- ---------------

From: cswebsite@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk
To: -------- ---------------@hotmail.co.uk
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 14:54:34 +0000
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act & Cabinet Office Racial Decision Making
-------- ,
I have tried repeatedly to help you with your query but at this point I must draw a line. Your last email was truly offensive, and I will not deal with it. If you are unhappy about this please speak to my manager whose details you already have.
Please do not contact me like this again as I will not tolerate emails that are offensive.
Kind regards

From: -------- --------------- [mailto:-------- ---------------@hotmail.co.uk]
Sent: 05 December 2011 10:51
To: cswebsite
Cc: contactus@communities.gov.uk; enquiries@geo.gsi.gov.uk; foi@equalityhumanrights.com; info@enfieldrec.org.uk; info@equalityhumanrights.com; info@haringeyrec.org.uk; info@irr.org.uk; ministers@dwp.gsi.gov.uk; race_equality_inspectorate@yahoo.co.uk; race_equality_secret_service_@hotmail.com; stratford.appeals@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk; info@enfieldcab.org.uk; christiana.during@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.christine.hamilton@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.nneka.keazor@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.ozzie.uzoanya@enfield.gov.uk; chris@fortehomes.co.uk; admin@fortehomes.co.uk; revs@enfield.gov.uk
Subject: Freedom of Information Act & Cabinet Office Racial Decision Making

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your detailed reply.

I and many others in the Black and non-white community will be able to get a good insight into the culture of the Prime Minister's Office and the values held by Government staff. Your replies will also help Black and non-white people to read into the Cabinet Office's recruitment and retention strategy.

You wrote:
"Yes I am white."

"I do not mean race is not important at all merely in this context is it not important as it would have no outcome on how the individuals query is dealt with by myself."

1. Are you, Chris, based in Whitehall?
2. How important is Race in the context of decision making by individual staff in the Cabinet Office?

You wrote:
"Yes I am white."
"I am not speaking officially for the department"
3. How is it possible for you, Chris, not to be "speaking officially for the department" when you are employed to communicate on behalf of your department?
4. Is there a staff management problem at Cabinet Office?
5. Are you, Chris, a confused or deceptive member of staff in the Prime Minister's Office?
White Supremacist Racist staff in positions of trust, authority and power work to confuse, abuse, exploit, cripple and kill Black and non-white people.
In my experience White Supremacist Racists accuse Black and non-white people of being intimidating and aggressive whenever Black and non-white people make inquiries about the performance of the Race Equality Strategy in a suspect White Supremacist Racist organisation.
You wrote:
"Yes I am white."
"I am trying, and obviously failing, to ally your concerns that I am a racist (which again I find very offensive)"
"No – as I have said before I abhor racism, no doubt you will require evidence of this and I am not sure what I can say to that other than I am in a mixed race long term (10 years and counting) relationship."
"This is personal and I will not disclose it. Suffice to say she is from a different racial background than myself."
6. Will you, Chris, accept the possibility that you are a White Supremacist Racist Rapist of non-white people that have been made stupid, dizzy, deluded, confused and severely retarded about what Racism is and how Racism works as a result of White Supremacist conditioning since childhood?
7. Do you, Chris, find my concerns "very offensive" because you and other White staff in the Cabinet Office have a deep rooted and hidden hatred of Black and non-white people?

You wrote:
"Yes I am white."
" I have already stated this decision to not forward your query for each separate job advert was my own."
8. What is the process for one to appeal against your decision?
9. I suspect that White Supremacist ideology is impacting your decision making?
White Supremacist Racists are very smart, clever, sophisticated, deceptive, ruthless and powerful.

You wrote:

"Yes I am white."

"Its based on me working here and what I have experienced, that is all I can comment on I am afraid. If you wish to know more about the Cabinet Office’s implementation of the race equality strategy and measurements for how effective this has been I will find the correct person for you to contact."

Your experiences Chris are the experiences of a White person working in the Cabinet Office of a Government that has a White Supremacist Racial Hierarchy as clearly defined by the Information Authority. You can follow this link to view the evidence for yourself:
10. Do you have any facts or evidence that could cause myself and other Black and non-white people to come to a different conclusion?
11. Can you get the correct person, who has information about the Cabinet Office's implementation of the race equality strategy and measurements for how effective or ineffective it has been, to contact me?
You wrote:
"Yes there are. I cannot give you an accurate figure as I do not work for HR/Personnel so do not have that information."
12. Have you seen any Black women working in Cabinet Office that have not straightened their hair, or who are not wearing wigs, in an effort to look more acceptable to White people as a result of White Supremacist abuse and conditioning since childhood?
The White Supremacist Racists have the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful members club / network in the known world.

It is necessary for me to exercise "due diligence" in regard to this inquiry to find out if the decision making processes are impacted directly or indirectly by White Supremacist Racists in positions of trust, authority and power.
Please process this request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI).

The POWER of White people is being neutralised, by the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP), in a civilised, orderly, non-violent, dignified and peaceful manner for the greater good.

The White Supremacist Racists are losing power and getting weaker as a result of the valuable and magnificent work being done by the members of the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) working from the Moral High Ground in glory and majesty thundering righteousness scattering the wicked before the Most High.

White people are encouraged to humble themselves, recognise the manifestation of the POWER of The Almighty and join the "BritDems" (British Racial Democratic Party) as part of the UNITED RACES RACIAL DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT and sort themselves out for Racial Equality.

Kind regards

-------- ---------------

From: cswebsite@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk
To: -------- ---------------@hotmail.co.uk
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 16:15:26 +0000
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act & Cabinet Office Racial Decision Making
-------- ,
1) It is not important in terms of how I deal with their query as it has no impact on how I would treat them – again do not read more into this than is stated. I do not mean race is not important at all merely in this context is it not important as it would have no outcome on how the individuals query is dealt with by myself.
2) I am not speaking officially for the department – I am trying, and obviously failing, to ally your concerns that I am a racist (which again I find very offensive)
3) Would be hard for this to be impacted since I have already stated this decision to not forward your query for each separate job advert was my own.
1) Its based on me working here and what I have experienced, that is all I can comment on I am afraid. If you wish to know more about the Cabinet Office’s implementation of the race equality strategy and measurements for how effective this has been I will find the correct person for you to contact.
2) Yes there are. I cannot give you an accurate figure as I do not work for HR/Personnel so do not have that information. Again if this is something you are concerned about I will find the correct contact point for you.
3) I would imagine this is for HR / Diversity team. As stated before if this is your query then say so and I will ensure it reaches the correct person. Previously you have stated that your query initially was about having your email forwarded to multiple departments and then subsequently about the decision I made to ask you to contact the individuals yourself as that information is available on the same site you found the job vacancies.
1) Yes I am white.
2) This is personal and I will not disclose it. Suffice to say she is from a different racial background than myself.
Kind regards

From: -------- --------------- [mailto:-------- ---------------@hotmail.co.uk]
Sent: 02 December 2011 15:36
To: cswebsite
Cc: contactus@communities.gov.uk; enquiries@geo.gsi.gov.uk; foi@equalityhumanrights.com; info@enfieldrec.org.uk; info@equalityhumanrights.com; ministers@dwp.gsi.gov.uk; race_equality_secret_service_@hotmail.com
Subject: Freedom of Information Act & Cabinet Office Racial Decision Making

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your strangely worded reply.

You wrote:

"I do not know what race people are when they contact me and I do not enquire as firstly it is not important and secondly it would not affect the way I handled their query."

1. On what authority have you stated that Race is not important?
2. Is the view that Race is not important your personal view or the official view of the department you are representing in these communications?
3. Are you sure the Government Racial Hierarchy does not impact your decision making?

You wrote:

"In my opinion no however I cannot answer this on behalf of the department as you have pointed out previously."
1. Is your opinion about the Racial Inequality or equality status of your department based on any facts?
2. Are there any Black or non-white people working in your department?
3. Who is authorised to answer questions about the Racial Inequality or equality status of your department?

You wrote:
"No – as I have said before I abhor racism, no doubt you will require evidence of this and I am not sure what I can say to that other than I am in a mixed race long term (10 years and counting) relationship."
1. Are you a White person?
2. What is the ethnicity of your partner?
White Supremacist Racists are very smart, clever, sophisticated, deceptive, ruthless and powerful.

It is necessary for me to exercise "due diligence" in regard to this inquiry to find out if the decision making processes are impacted directly or indirectly by White Supremacist Racists in positions of trust, authority and power.
Please process this request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI).

Kind regards

-------- ---------------

From: cswebsite@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk
To: -------- ---------------@hotmail.co.uk
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 14:58:41 +0000
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act & Cabinet Office Racial Decision Making
Hi -------- ,
I will try to answer these questions for you given that they are around a decision that I made.
1) This is the same response I apply to everyone who emails in. I do not know what race people are when they contact me and I do not enquire as firstly it is not important and secondly it would not affect the way I handled their query.
2) In my opinion no however I cannot answer this on behalf of the department as you have pointed out previously.
3) No – as I have said before I abhor racism, no doubt you will require evidence of this and I am not sure what I can say to that other than I am in a mixed race long term (10 years and counting) relationship.
To be honest I find it quite offensive that you assume I am a racist and have been implying it for the majority of these emails. I have tried my best to be helpful and provide you with information on how to proceed including raising matters with the Civil Service Commission if you wished to do so.
Kind regards

From: -------- --------------- [mailto:-------- ---------------@hotmail.co.uk]
Sent: 02 December 2011 11:57
To: cswebsite
Cc: contactus@communities.gov.uk; enquiries@geo.gsi.gov.uk; foi@equalityhumanrights.com; info@enfieldrec.org.uk; info@equalityhumanrights.com; ministers@dwp.gsi.gov.uk; race_equality_secret_service_@hotmail.com
Subject: Freedom of Information Act & Cabinet Office Racial Decision Making

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your sophisticated reply.

You wrote:

"You queried how I knew the decision to not forward your emails to the relevant departments was not racist."


That is perfectly correct.

1. How did you know that the decision to not forward my emails to the relevant departments was not Racist?

2. Is your department a Racist department?

3. Are you a Racist Chris?

White Supremacist Racists are very smart, clever, sophisticated, deceptive, ruthless and powerful.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting the Cabinet Office emails that demonstrates empowered discourse for Race Equality. I and other Black/Non-white people will continue to study the discourse with a view to applying its lessons.

    Under the system of White Supremacy all White people are Racist suspects.

    Discourse analysis

    Discourse analysis (DA), or discourse studies, is a general term for a number of approaches to analyzing written, spoken, signed language use or any significant semiotic event.



How much POWER have you got?