Thursday, 29 December 2011


Private Investigators wanted to work with the Race Equality Inspectorate a division of the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS).

The Race Equality Inspectorate can provide resources and finance for White people but Black and Non-white people are expected to work to raise their own funds and find their own resources following the excellent example set by the well managed, effective and transparent Black National Party (BNP).

The Times
March 22, 2006
Safe and insecure
By Martin Waller
"THREE e-mails scatter-gunned to corporate bodies arrive from the so-called “Race Equality Inspectorate”. They say: “Please report any incidences of Institutional Racism to us.” An ambulance-chasing lawyer, perhaps? No, a self-appointed, selfimportant pressure group."



  1. RESS said:

    Private Investigators wanted to work with the Race Equality Inspectorate a division of the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS).


    Question for RESS

    1) What is the detailed Job Description?

    2) How do you apply?

    3) What skills and qualifications are required?

    4) What character qualities are ideal for the role?

    5) What specialised training will be required and is the training ongoing?

    6) Do you get the necessary training before you go out into the field or is it training on the job?

  2. RESS said:

    The Race Equality Inspectorate can provide resources and finance for White people but Black and Non-white people are expected to raise their own funds and find their own resources following the excellent example set by the well managed, effective and transparent Black National Party (BNP).


    Questions for RESS

    Why is it that the Race Equality Inspectorate can provide resources and finance for privileged White People, but not to relatively underprivileged Black and Non-white people?

    Is it not consistent with the ideology of White Supremacy to allocate resources and financial support for White people while Black and Non-white people receive no or inadequate support?

    As a person classified as Black, who views Gay/Homosexuality as a severe mental illness, I am willing with enthusiasm to undertake the role of Private Investigator to work with the Race Equality Inspectorate on a charitable basis. To continue to undertake this work people classified as Black and Non-white must have sufficient food, clothing and shelter, which have to be financed. This finance may be obtained through public assistance and other Race Equality Work.



  3. TruthDelve asked:

    1) What is the detailed Job Description?

    RESS Response:
    Work neutralise the power of White Supremacist Racist ideology and the system of Institutional Racism by the investigation of suspect White Supremacist Racists in positions of trust, authority and power.

    2) How do you apply?

    RESS Response:
    One applies by applying oneself to the work of neutralising the power of White Supremacist Racist ideology and the system of Institutional Racism.

    3) What skills and qualifications are required?

    RESS Response:
    All skills and qualifications will be gained on the job.

    4) What character qualities are ideal for the role?

    RESS Response:
    Working to neutralise the power of White Supremacist Racist ideology and the system of Institutional Racism forms and builds character.

    5) What specialised training will be required and is the training ongoing?

    RESS Response:
    Personal experience is specialised training that is ongoing.

    6) Do you get the necessary training before you go out into the field or is it training on the job?

    RESS Response:
    All people classified as Black or Non-white are already in a "field" in a White World whether they know it or not. One wakes up in the middle of a Race War.
    All training is on the job.

  4. TruthDelve asked:

    Why is it that the Race Equality Inspectorate can provide resources and finance for privileged White People, but not to relatively underprivileged Black and Non-white people?

    RESS Response:
    The use of White money for the employment of White people, by the Race Equality Inspectorate in the work to neutralise the power of White Supremacist ideology and the system of Institutional Racism is a Short Circuit / Crowbar Circuit strategy.

    Each and every Black or Non-white person working to neutralise the power of White Supremacist ideology and the system of Institutional Racism must be a 'short' or 'crowbar' in the system of Institutional Racism.

    TruthDelve asked:
    Is it not consistent with the ideology of White Supremacy to allocate resources and financial support for White people while Black and Non-white people receive no or inadequate support?

    RESS Response:
    White people allocate resources and financial support to promote and refine White Supremacy and strengthen the system of Institutional Racism.

    It is obvious to some Black and non-white people that White Supremacist Racists in positions of trust, authority and power work to ensure that Black and non-white people "receive no or inadequate support".


How much POWER have you got?