Wednesday, 11 January 2012


You White Supremacist Racists are getting a "Bloody Good Hiding" as a result of your own actions.

How many more White people are you prepared to sacrifice for White Supremacy? 

Have you White Supremacist Racists had enough yet?


"The rioters removed his protective helmet, which was never found."

". . . the helmet Pc Blakelock was wearing, which had possibly been taken as a trophy"

Where is PC Blakelock's Helmet?

That is for the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the Black National Party (BNP) to know and you all to find out.

The White Supremacist Racists have got Helmet Fire as a result of the excellent work being done by the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) having achieved Moral Supremacy and working from the Moral High Ground.


"Have Fun IC1"
"Fuck You IC2"

Say the White Supremacist Racists

1 comment:

  1. United Races uses Democracy to equalise and stabalise Racism.

    Under the System of White Supremacy All White People are Racist Suspects.

    The White Supremacist Racists are guilty, responsible and to blame for the death of the Suspect Racist Police Officer.

    Death of Keith Blakelock

    Death of Cynthia Jarrett

    On Saturday, 5 October 1985, a week after the Brixton riot, police arrested Floyd Jarrett, a 24-year-old black man from Tottenham, on suspicion of being in a stolen car. It was a suspicion that turned out to be groundless, but a decision was made to search the home of his mother, Cynthia Jarrett, for stolen goods, and in the course of the search she collapsed and died of heart failure. Rose writes that the pathologist, Dr Walter Somerville, told the inquest she had a heart condition so severe she probably only had months to live.

    Sus law

    In England and Wales, the sus law (from "suspected person",[1] see below) was the informal name for a stop and search law that permitted a police officer to stop, search and potentially arrest people on suspicion of them being in breach of section 4 of the Vagrancy Act 1824.

    Implementing Sus Law for White People will work to equalise and stabilise Racism.


How much POWER have you got?