Friday, 23 March 2012






Subject: Request for information: Equality FOI/RAP/03/12/4309
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 17:26:23 +0000
Dear Race Equality Inspectorate
Reference number: FOI/RAP/03/12/4309

On 21st March  2012 we received the following request for information from you:

1. Is salary level for both White and BME staff relative to their level of position within the Hertfordshire Council?

2. Are BME staff involved in the decision making processes at the highest levels that impact Race Equality?

3. If BME staff are involved in decision making processes at the highest levels that impact Race Equality how does that reflect on the internal culture of Hertfordshire Council?

4. If BME staff are involved in decision making processes at the highest levels that impact Race Equality is that reflected on the treatment and service levels to external Black and Non-white communities?

5. To obtain a position and/or relatively high salary within Hertfordshire Council, does BME staff have to forgo aspirations for Race Equality and embrace Fairness (Whiteness)?

Your request for information has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that Hertfordshire County Council does hold some of the information you have requested, and can respond as follows:

1. All posts within the County Council have a salary which is directly related to the grading of the post.

2. You have received a figure for the BME representation within the senior management of the County Council, they are the staff involved in the decision making processes at the highest levels in all matters. Policy decisions above this level are made by the county councillors who derive their authority from their electorate.

3.-5.Please see the attached document which is the County Council's policy on equality which forms the basis of both external service provision and as an employer.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, quoting the reference above. To find out more about Freedom of Information, please visit

If you are unhappy with the way the County Council has handled your request for information you may request an internal review of the request. This will be carried out by a member of the County Council Legal Services Team, who has had no prior involvement with the request. Requests for an internal review should be sent to the Information Governance Unit at the address above.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of the internal review you are entitled to ask the Information Commissioner to investigate your complaint. You should write to: FOI/EIR Complaints Resolution, Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House,
Water Lane
, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely,

Elaine Dunnicliffe

Information Access Manager

Information Governance Unit
Hertfordshire County Council
Postal Point CHN 305
County Hall,
Hertford, SG13 8DQ
Telephone: 01992 555848
The Information Governance Unit supports Hertfordshire County Council's Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Records Management activity.
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       Hertfordshire - County of Opportunity

The information in this message should be regarded as confidential and is intended for the addressee only unless explicitly stated. If you have received this message in error it must be deleted and the sender notified. The views expressed in this message are personal and not necessarily those of Hertfordshire County Council unless explicitly stated. Please be aware that emails sent to or received from Hertfordshire County Council may be intercepted and read by the council. Interception will only occur to ensure compliance with council policies or procedures or regulatory obligations, to prevent or deter crime, or for the purposes of essential maintenance or support of the email system.


What questions should we ask next?

Has the TruthDelve division got the necessary firepower?


You White Supremacist Racists humble yourselves or else we will have to send in more ground troops.



  1. RESS asked:

    What questions should we ask next?


    The following are some questions we can ask.

    1. Does the Hertfordshire Council have a detailed breakdown of the individual racial group percentage that when added together constitute the BME percentage within the top 5% of staff by salary level for the years 2006-2011?

    2. Does Haringey Council have detailed information on the total employee percentage by individual racial group and BME for the years 2006-2011?

    3. Does the Hertfordshire Council have detailed information on ethnicity population data for the Hertfordshire area for the years 2006-2011?

    4. Does Haringey Council have information on the performance of the Race Equality Strategy for employment and external service delivery to Black and Non-white communities for the years 2006-2011?

    If the answer is yes to any or all of the above questions, please could you send this information.

  2. RESS asked:

    What questions should we ask next?


    The following are some questions we can ask.

    1. Does Hertfordshire Council have a detailed breakdown of the individual racial group percentage that when added together constitute the BME percentage within the top 5% of staff by salary level for the years 2006-2011?

    2. Does Hertfordshire Council have detailed information on the total employee percentage by individual racial group and BME for the years 2006-2011?

    3. Does Hertfordshire Council have detailed information on ethnicity population data for the Hertfordshire area for the years 2006-2011?

    4. Does Hertfordshire Council have information on the performance of the Race Equality Strategy for employment and external service delivery to Black and Non-white communities for the years 2006-2011?

    If the answer is yes to any or all of the above questions, please could you send this information.


How much POWER have you got?