This, The Black Cross, is the most powerful religio-political symbol for more than 3500 years, possibly.
Andy Walsh
Event Planner
City of Westminister
Westminster Events Planning Unit
Charing Cross Police Station
Agar Street, London WC2N 4JP
Tel: 020 7321 7523/4
Fax: 020 7321 7527
email: cwmailbox-events@met.police.uk
Andy Walsh
Event Planner
City of Westminister
Westminster Events Planning Unit
Charing Cross Police Station
Agar Street, London WC2N 4JP
Tel: 020 7321 7523/4
Fax: 020 7321 7527
email: cwmailbox-events@met.police.uk
. . . But there have been calls for the prince to make his own public apology.
"Steady as she goes"
Steady As She Goes - YouTube

Signal flag H(hotel) - Pilot on Board
Maritime pilot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Races Signal Flag - Pilot on Board
Do not panic an United Races Signal Person has been seen
Perous Secret Diary - Keep Out - September 09, 2011
The impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) manifesting the POWER of The Almighty, humbling White Pride from the moral high ground in glory and majesty before the Most High!
"Steady as she goes"
Steady As She Goes - YouTube

Signal flag H(hotel) - Pilot on Board
Maritime pilot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Races Signal Flag - Pilot on Board
Do not panic an United Races Signal Person has been seen
Perous Secret Diary - Keep Out - September 09, 2011
The impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) manifesting the POWER of The Almighty, humbling White Pride from the moral high ground in glory and majesty before the Most High!
Anti-Nazi Symbol
As the symbol of Nazism
Further information: Nazi symbolism
In the wake of widespread popular usage, the Nazi Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) formally adopted the swastika (in German: Hakenkreuz (hook-cross)) in 1920.
Page last updated at 10:44 GMT, Tuesday, 18 January 2005
Origins of the swastika
The EU has been urged to ban the swastika because of its Nazi associations with hate and racism. But the symbol was around long before Adolf Hitler.
Hittites 'used germ warfare 3,500 years ago'
ReplyDeleteBy Malcolm Moore in Rome
12:01AM GMT 08 Dec 2007
An ancient Middle-Eastern empire had already mastered the art of biological warfare almost 3,500 years ago, according to an Italian scientist.
German scientists trace cause of death… 3,500 years later
BERLIN: An Egyptian queen who died 3,500 years ago might have poisoned herself accidentally by using a carcinogenic balm to treat a skin complaint, German university researchers said Friday.
Last Updated: Thursday, 13 January, 2005, 08:29 GMT
ReplyDeleteHarry says sorry for Nazi costume
Prince Harry has apologised for wearing a swastika armband to a friend's fancy dress party.
Clarence House issued a statement in response to a photograph published on the front page of the Sun newspaper under the headline, "Harry the Nazi".
Tularemia as a biological weapon
"...In 2005, small amounts of F. tularensis were detected in the Mall area of Washington, DC the morning after an anti-war demonstration on September 24, 2005. Biohazard sensors were triggered at six locations surrounding the Mall. While thousands of people were potentially exposed, no infections were reported.[25]..."
G. Edward Griffin
ReplyDeleteHealth advocacy
In 1974, Griffin wrote and published the book World Without Cancer,[16][17] and released it as a documentary video; its second edition appeared in 1997, and it was translated into Afrikaans, 1988, and German, 2005.
Pan Am Flight 103
People booked who did not board
"...South African foreign minister
The South African foreign minister Pik Botha and a minor delegation of 22 was supposed to board Pan Am 103, but managed to take the earlier Pan Am 101 flight. They were on their way to New York to sign the tripartite agreement whereby South Africa agreed to hand control of Namibia to the United Nations. The UN commissioner appointed to take over, Bernt Carlsson, was among the victims of Flight 103 as mentioned above...."
ReplyDeleteA carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes.
Philip Strax
Philip Strax (January 1, 1909 - March 9, 1999) was a radiologist who pioneered the use of mammography to screen for early breast cancer. With co-investigators statistician Sam Shapiro and surgeon Louis Venet he conducted a randomized evaluation comparing outcomes of 30,000 women who received clinical breast exam alone or clinical exam plus mammography.
Sam Shapiro
In May 1998, when Sam Shapiro was presented with an honorary doctor of humane letters degree from Johns Hopkins, the university he had served for 26 years, the wording inscribed on the document said simply: For changing the face of American health care in this half-century.
Mammograms cause breast cancer (and other cancer facts you probably never knew)
Monday, August 15, 2005 by: Dawn Prate
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among American women between the ages of 44 and 55. Dr. Gofinan, in his book, Preventing Breast Cancer, cites this startling statistic along with an in-depth look at mammographic screening, an early-detection practice that agencies like the American Cancer Society recommend to women of all age groups.
Queen Hatshepsut Images
Cornelius P. Rhoads
ReplyDeleteCornelius P. Rhoads (1898–1959) was an American doctor and pathologist who became infamous for allegedly performing deadly experiments on human beings.[1]
Give them the White Way to eat and drink
ReplyDeleteThe White Stuff campaign exceeds first year target; DAIRY.(News)
September 15, 2001
THE White Stuff - Are you made of it? campaign has exceeded all expectations in its first 12 months and added 38 million litres of milk to the market.
Jonathan Ross has today been signed up to help promote milk in a new generic advertising campaign being run by the National Dairy Council breaking in mid-June.
Ross will deliver the ad's strapline `The White Stuff - are you made of it?'- a wordplay on the phrase `the right stuff'.
Thursday, 8 June, 2000, 14:33 GMT 15:33 UK
Row over breast cancer diet claim
A claim that a dairy-free diet can prevent breast cancer has been disputed by a leading charity.
The Global White Single Currency Impossible, Pipe Dream or Plausible?
ReplyDeleteTerra (currency)
Terra (The Trade Reference Currency, TRC) is the name of a possible "world currency". The concept is currently proposed by Belgian economist Bernard A. Lietaer and is based on the historic proposal of L'Europa.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007, 14:13 GMT 15:13 UK
China drinks its milk
China's growing love of dairy products is threatening to push UK prices up. But why are the Chinese drinking more milk and why does it affect the whole world?
fair and lovely
"1727, "ground for training horses," from Fr. terrain "piece of earth, ground, land," from O.Fr. (12c.), from V.L. *terranum, from L. terrenum "land, ground," from neut. of terrenus "of earth, earthly..."
What the Heck is going on?
ReplyDeletePage last updated at 08:11 GMT, Sunday, 26 April 2009 09:11 UK
'Nazi' cattle being bred in UK
Mein Kampf (Uncensored Edition)
Price: £20.88
Bull (mythology)
The worship of the Sacred Bull throughout the ancient world is most familiar to the Western world in the biblical episode of the idol of the Golden Calf. The Golden Calf after being made by the Hebrew people in the wilderness of Sinai, were rejected and destroyed by Moses and his tribe after his time upon the mountain peak,(Exodus).
Perous Secret Diary Images
ReplyDeleteThe RESS member is sending out a Strong and Powerful message in opposition to the White Supremacist Racist/Nazi Network.
The members of the Counter-White Supremacist Racist Movement are inspired by the Great Works of RESS and have emboldened themselves and remain ever steadfast in the work to neutralise the Power of White Supremacy.
Amos 2:9-10 (King James Version)
9Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath.
10Also I brought you up from the land of Egypt, and led you forty years through the wilderness, to possess the land of the Amorite.
TruthDelve blogspot is here: http://counter-white-supremacy.blogspot.com/