My story
I was on "Jobseekers Allowance" a Government benefit.
I identified myself as a Black, Male, IC3, B9, BEUR, according to the official Race and Ethnicity classification codes as used by the Police and Civil Services.
I told them that I was a victim of Racism.
I was sanctioned because "a doubt had arisen" on my claim to Jobseekers Allowance.
I was accused of not actively seeking work because I refused to send my CV to any organisation that was unable to show me that it had successful Race Relations and that the organisation was not Racist.
I told the Jobcentre that I had been actively seeking work by making inquiries about Race Relations in potential employer organisations before sending them my CV.
As a result of Jobcentre sanctions I was no longer entitled to Housing Benefit.
Payments on my flat went into arrears.
I was ordered to appear in Court to explain my circumstances.
In Court I identified myself as a Black, Male, IC3, B9, BEUR, according to the official Race and Ethnicity classification codes as used by the Police and Civil Services.
I told the Court that I was a victim of Racism.
I refused to proceed with the Court case until the Judge had identified herself as I had done.
The Judge said that she was a "White Woman" and that she was not a Racist.
I asked the Judge how it was possible to classify herself as "White" and not be a Racist.
The Judge said that I needed to see the Mental Health Services.
The NHS Mental Health Services suggested that I might be sick and that I should change my claim to Employment Support Allowance.
My Jobseekers Allowance was reinstated which proves beyond doubt that I was "actively seeking work".
My Jobseekers Allowance was reinstated which proves beyond doubt that I was "actively seeking work".
The housing department refused to pay Housing Benefit because the Mental Health Services were nowresponsible for me.
I was sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
I identified myself as a Black, Male, IC3, B9, BEUR, according to the official Race and Ethnicity classification codes as used by the Police and Civil Services.
I refused to proceed with my case until the Doctor had identified himself as I had done.
The Doctor said that he was a "White Man" and that he was not a Racist.
I asked the Doctor how it was possible to classify himself as "White" and not be a Racist.
The Doctor decided that I had a "Delusional Disorder" which was a "pre-occupation with Racism" and that I was a danger to myself in that I caused others to react to me in a dangerous way.
I was forced to take medication.
I am now on Employment Support Allowance.
I now employ my time making enquiries into the impact of White Supremacy, which is Racism, on non-white people.
I now employ my time to raise awareness of the official Race and Ethnicity classifications as used by the Police and Civil Services.
I identify myself as a Black, Male, IC3, B9, BEUR, according to the official Race and Ethnicity classification codes as used by the Police and Civil Services.
I am a victim of Racism.
I told the Doctor, who chose to classify himself as White, that I had been told that I had made requests for information that were deemed to be a problem and called Vexatious requests.
Under section 14(1) of the Freedom of Information Act, public authorities have refused to answer my questions.
I also told the Doctor, who chose to classify himself as White, that sometimes I had been told by public authorities that only my questions and not me have been Vexatious.