United Races Racial Democratic Page Views

Wednesday 19 July 2017


From: Race Relations
Sent: 18 July 2017 10:33
To: innersourcedirect@gmail.com; int2itive@yahoo.co.uk; thespeakersclub@aol.co.uk; bb3dmedia@gmail.com;

In the last meeting we discussed the development of the present world as we know/think it to be. We constructed a chart to illustrate the fundamental stages. See attached.


We summarised the old world as being constructed of humanity interacting with their environment (land) and the environment (land) interacting with the people to develop their culture.
The land being the fundamental resource and concern in all the interactions. 

I believed this to be the root of nationalist values.


We summarised the new world as being constructed of trade/business interacting/transacting with its environment (people) and the environment (people) interacting/transacting with trade/business to develop its culture. 

The people being the fundamental resource and concern in all the interactions/transactions. 

I believed this to be the root of internationalist values. 

I also believed that this new world construct, built upon the subdued old world construct, is dominated by the fully functional social construct of Racism which is White Supremacy.


We summarised the future world as being constructed of an entity, yet to be named, interacting with their/its environment and the environment interacting with this entity, yet to be named, will develop new cultural values. 

A new natural/nurtural construction becoming the fundamental resource and concern in all the interactions/transactions. 

I believe this will be the root of a new set of global cultural values. 

In the next meeting we are going attempt to fill in the gaps in the chart, that describe the future world, with some new words/concepts or with some old words/concepts newly applied. 

I suspect that the discussion has reached to advanced a stage for any undisciplined simpletons to make any meaningful contributions but, having written that, I maintain an open mind.

I look forward to your contributions.

John Canoe

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