"Execute Order 66"
Sixty-sixth General Assembly
14th & 17th Meetings (AM & PM)

Sixty-sixth General Assembly
14th & 17th Meetings (AM & PM)
22 September 2011

General Assembly
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York
Sixty-sixth General Assembly
14th & 17th Meetings (AM & PM)
General Assembly Adopts Declaration Intended to Mobilize Political Support
for Ending All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Related Intolerance
Commemorating 2001 Durban Conference,
Plenary, Round-Table Speakers Call for Greater Efforts, Despite Progress
Acting to bolster global resolve to combat racism, the United Nations today adopted a Declaration aimed at mobilizing political support to end all forms of racial discrimination and related intolerance, and to place victims at the centre of measures to promote equal opportunity, openness and inclusion. . . . . . .
Opening Remarks
NASSIR ABDULAZIZ AL-NASSER (Qatar), President of the General Assembly, said today’s gathering was reaffirming that all nations “are one family, rich in diversity”, adding that, it was that diversity that enriched humanity and steered progress. “And it is through the celebration of diversity, as well as through the promotion of tolerance and dispelling fears of the other, that we build a more peaceful world.” Such a world was based on the fundamental principles of equality, trust and mutual respect. . . . . . .
RAHAMTALLA MOHAMED OSMAN ELNOR, Undersecretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan, addressed the Meeting on behalf of the Group of African States, describing the occasion as an opportunity not only to commemorate the Durban Declaration, but also to renew and reaffirm global political commitment to the full and effective implementation of all the Durban outcomes. The African Group was encouraged that in Durban’s wake, Governments had adopted progressive legislative and administrative measures to effectively combat racism and racial discrimination, protect the rights of migrants and ethnic or linguistic minorities, and combat incitement to hatred based on religious belief. . . . . . . . . .
Action on Draft Resolution
Acting without a vote, the Assembly adopted a resolution titled “United against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” (document A/66/L.2).
Assembly President AL-NASSER ( Qatar) thanked the draft’s facilitators of the text for ably handling the sensitive negotiations.
Round Table 1
The Assembly then held two round tables under the theme “Victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: recognition, justice and development”. . . . . . . .
Round Table 2
Co-chaired by Mohamed Mouldi Kefi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, and Ricardo Bucio, President of the National Council to Prevent Discrimination of Mexico, the second round table featured panellists Verene Shepherd, a member of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, and Mohamed Siad Doualeh (Djibouti), Rapporteur of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. . . . . . . .
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For information media • not an official record
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