United Races Racial Democratic Page Views

Friday 22 November 2013


From: - - - - - - - - - - -@hotmail.co.uk
To: malcolm.watts@judiciary.gsi.gov.uk; press.enquiries@judiciary.gsi.gov.uk; enquiries@commissiononabillofrights.gsi.gov.uk; headofoffice@jaco.gsi.gov.uk; info@claimsregulation.gov.uk; inbox@ojc.gsi.gov.uk; public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk; nita.gajiparia@judiciary.gsi.gov.uk; ccsd.employmentprogrammescorrespondence@dwp.gsi.gov.uk; nick.debois.mp@parliament.uk; communications@ingeus.co.uk; ministers@dwp.gsi.gov.uk; stratford.appeals@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk; contactus@communities.gov.uk; enquiries@geo.gsi.gov.uk; christiana.during@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.christine.hamilton@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.nneka.keazor@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.ozzie.uzoanya@enfield.gov.uk; info@equalityhumanrights.com; williamz.omope@enfield.gov.uk
CC: foi@equalityhumanrights.com; info@enfieldrec.org.uk; editor@blackmentalhealth.org.uk; events@blackmentalhealth.org.uk; arthurtorrington@hotmail.com; newsdesk@gvmedia.co.uk; george.ruddock@gvmedia.co.uk; dionne.grant@gvmedia.co.uk
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 12:49:49 +0000

London DMA Office
Hoxton LM DMA
Nine Elms Lane
SW95 9DY
Tel: 020 7749 7151

Ref: 247276/508130/MC/EH
22 November 2013

Dear Mrs L Campbell DMA Business Manager,

Thank you for your letter dated 20th November 2013.

I am making an appeal.

You wrote, in your letter dated 4th November 2013:

"Your assertion, that your jobsearch was limited because as a black person you are discriminated against, is just that - a bare assertion unsupported by tangible evidence."

You wrote:
"Thank you for your letter of 06/11/2013 received in this office on 08/11/2013 in which you ask various questions including what we would consider to be tangible evidence of racism.

I am sorry that you feel you have been discriminated against. It is not for me to say what would constitute such evidence. However, if a person makes an assertion then the burden of proof is on them and it is for you to present what evidence you have to support your contention that you have been discriminated against"

You, Mrs L Campbell, are the one who introduced the concept of "tangible evidence" in this context.
You, Mrs L Campbell, are the one who made the assertion that it was possible to support an assertion of Racial discrimination with "tangible evidence".
The burden of proof is on you, Mrs L Campbell to explain what "tangible evidence" of Racial discrimination is.

1. Are you Mrs L Campbell a White person? (IC1 White / North European or IC2 Dark / South European)
2. Are you Mrs L Campbell a Racist? (Yes or No)
3. What procedures are in place to protect Black people from the impact of White Supremacist Racists on the decision making processes in the Department for Work and Pensions? (Documents)

4. What would you consider to be "tangible evidence" of  the impact of White Supremacist Racist discrimination on a Black persons' jobsearch activities? (Explanation)
5. How does one provide "tangible evidence" of Racial discrimination? (procedure)
6. What are the criteria for "tangible evidence" of Racial discrimination? (List)
7. Do you, Mrs L Campbell, think that I am a stupid Black Monkey? (Yes or No)
8. Do you, Mrs L Campbell, think that I am a Crazy Nigger? (Yes or No)

The White Supremacist Racists have the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful members club / network in the known world.
Black and non-white people have been made stupid, dizzy, deluded, confused and severely retarded about what Racism is and how Racism works as a result of White Supremacist Racist conditioning since childhood.

The POWER of White Supremacist Racist people is being neutralised, by the Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) working together with the Black National Party (BNP), in a civilised, orderly, non-violent, dignified and peaceful manner to put aside, White Supremacist Racist pride, world wide as we know we should, for the greater good, in the neighbourhood.

If you check the facts against the clock you will see that the White Supremacist Racists are losing power and getting weaker every 24 hours as a result of the valuable and magnificent work being done by the members of the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) working from the Moral High Ground in righteousness, glory and majesty. Magnificent!
The White people of Britain are encouraged to join the "Brit Dems" (British Racial Democratic Party) and sort themselves out for Racial Equality.
The White people of Europe are now being warned to study the European Racial Partition map of Europe and sort themselves out for Racial Justice.
European Racial Partition:
Kind regards
- - - - - - - - - , IC3, B9, BEUR


Source: http://www.education.gov.uk/escs-isb/standardslibrary/a0077051/ethnicity-data-standard



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