United Races Racial Democratic Page Views

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Complaint + Enquiry = Haringey Council on Racism and Black History Month

From: BNP BNP <black.national.party@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 10:53 AM
Subject: Complaint + Enquiry = Haringey Council on Racism and Black History Month
To: Feedback <Feedback@haringey.gov.uk>, David.Murray@haringey.gov.uk, "stephen.mcdonnell@haringey.gov.uk" <Stephen.McDonnell@haringey.gov.uk>, Caroline.Humphrey@haringey.gov.uk, "maria.stephanou@haringey.gov.uk" <Maria.Stephanou@haringey.gov.uk>, Zoe.Robertson@haringey.gov.uk, Anita Hunt <Anita.Hunt@haringey.gov.uk>, "lynne.featherstone.mp@parliament.uk" <lynne.featherstone.mp@parliament.uk>, "pauline.gibson@haringey.gov.uk" <pauline.gibson@haringey.gov.uk>, "charles.adje@haringey.gov.uk" <charles.adje@haringey.gov.uk>, "lorna.reith@haringey.gov.uk" <lorna.reith@haringey.gov.uk>, "reg.rice@haringey.gov.uk" <reg.rice@haringey.gov.uk>, "isidoros.diakides@haringey.gov.uk" <isidoros.diakides@haringey.gov.uk>, "richard.watson@haringey.gov.uk" <richard.watson@haringey.gov.uk>, BNP BNP <black.national.party@gmail.com>, "jean-jacob.bicep@europarl.europa.eu" <jean-jacob.bicep@europarl.europa.eu>, "secretarygacuk@aol.com" <secretarygacuk@aol.com>, "GAC_HQ_CA@yahoo.ca" <GAC_HQ_CA@yahoo.ca>, "gacevents@hotmail.com" <gacevents@hotmail.com>, BritDems UnitedRaces <brdp@hotmail.co.uk>, "bernadette.brewster@haringey.gov.uk" <bernadette.brewster@haringey.gov.uk>, "dawn.gobourne@haringey.gov.uk" <dawn.gobourne@haringey.gov.uk>, "hello@demos.co.uk" <hello@demos.co.uk>, "mail@noi.org.uk" <mail@noi.org.uk>, "info@obv.org.uk" <info@obv.org.uk>, "info@irr.org.uk" <info@irr.org.uk>, "BlackHistoryStudies ."
<info@blackhistorystudies.com>, "info@haringeyrec.org.uk" <info@haringeyrec.org.uk>, "arthurtorrington@hotmail.com" <arthurtorrington@hotmail.com>, "newsdesk@gvmedia.co.uk" <newsdesk@gvmedia.co.uk>, "george.ruddock@gvmedia.co.uk" <george.ruddock@gvmedia.co.uk>, "dionne.grant@gvmedia.co.uk" <dionne.grant@gvmedia.co.uk>, "contactus@communities.gov.uk" <contactus@communities.gov.uk>, "enquiries@geo.gsi.gov.uk" <enquiries@geo.gsi.gov.uk>, "info@enfieldrec.org.uk" <info@enfieldrec.org.uk>, Leroy Logan <leroy.logan@reallity.org>, "nubian.emperor@yahoo.co.uk" <nubian.emperor@yahoo.co.uk>, Anuar EL-Frougui <anuar.elfrougui.chestnutscentre@gmail.com>

Dear Anita Hunt

Thank you for your email.

This is an enquiry and a complaint. Please process as both through the correct procedures in a professional manner.

You wrote:

"Please note that we take exception to your categorisation of our officers according to your perception of their race and skin tone."

1. Who are the "we" that you, Anita Hunt, are referring to?

I suspect that you, Anita Hunt, are a Racist liar. Please provide evidence that I have categorised Haringey Officers according to their "skin tone".

2. Where have I categorised Haringey Officers according to their "skin tone"?

3. Which Haringey Officers have I categorised according to their “skin tone”?

You wrote:

"Council officers are under no obligation to identify ourselves to you “racially and ethnically” and have no reason to do so."

For your information:

Protected characteristics: definitions


Refers to the protected characteristic of Race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins.

4. How can Haringey Council encourage / promote good Race Relations within Haringey Council if Haringey Council feels it has no obligation to identify / recognise Council Officers both Racially and Ethnically?

5. How can Haringey Council encourage / promote good Race Relations and social cohesion in the community if Haringey Council feels it has no obligation to identify / recognise people both Racially and Ethnically?

I am a Black Male, IC3, B9, BEUR.

I am a innocent victim of Racism.

I am offended that you, Anita Hunt, have stated:

"Council officers are under no obligation to identify ourselves to you “racially and ethnically” and have no reason to do so."

You, Anita Hunt, are a White Supremacist Racist suspect working in Haringey Council.

Please identify yourself, Anita Hunt, Racially and Ethnically to promote good Race Relations.

6. Are you, Anita Hunt, a White person? (Yes or No)

7. Are you, Anita Hunt, a Racist? (Yes or No)

8. Anita Hunt, what are your Race and Ethnicity Codes? (Please use British Government, Police and Civil Service Codes, see attached)

The way that you, Anita Hunt, manage this enquiry and complaint will give IC3 Black people an insight into the character, ethos, culture, ethics and values in/of Haringey Council.

The White Supremacist Racists have the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful members club / network in the known world.

Black and Non-white people have been made stupid, dizzy, deluded, confused and severely retarded about what Racism is and how Racism works as a result of White Supremacist Racist conditioning since childhood.

The Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) is working effectively together with the Black National Party (BNP), from the moral high ground in righteousness, to encourage White people to put aside, White Supremacist Racist pride, world wide, as they know they should, for the greater good, in the neighbourhood.

The White people of Britain are encouraged to join the "Brit Dems" (British Racial Democratic Party) and sort themselves out for Racial Equality.

The White people of Europe are now being warned to study the European Racial Partition map of Europe and sort themselves out for Racial Justice.

European Racial Partition:

Kind regards

IC3 Black Divisional Manager

Black National Party (BNP)


IC3 Black National Party (BNP)


On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 5:50 PM, Feedback <Feedback@haringey.gov.uk> wrote:

Dear - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

Mr Murray explained to you what you need to do if you want to make a complaint or report an incident. Please address complaints to this email address. We will not respond unless you are specific about what the complaint is and you provide details so that we can investigate.

Please note that we take exception to your categorisation of our officers according to your perception of their race and skin tone.

Council officers are under no obligation to identify ourselves to you “racially and ethnically” and have no reason to do so.

We shall not reply to further emails of this sort. If you continue to email council officers in this way, we shall take measures to block the email addresses that you use.


Anita Hunt

Feedback & Information Governance Manager

Haringey Council

River Park House , 225 High Road, London N22 8HQ

T. 020 8489 2547




Source: http://www.education.gov.uk/escs-isb/standardslibrary/a0077051/ethnicity-data-standard



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