There will be an ISB Stakeholder workshop on 28 January 2014 in the Sanctuary Building in London

There will be an ISB Stakeholder workshop on 28 January 2014 in the Sanctuary Building in London to identify information standards development opportunities.
The workshop sessions will have a sector focus with sessions specifically aimed at these sectors:
  • schools
  • skills
  • further education and higher education
  • children services
Attendees, however, may if they wish participate in all the sessions.
The aim is to identify gaps and opportunities to develop standards and will not be technical discussion.
The purpose of the workshop is to ask stakeholders where there is potential for reusing, developing or adapting existing information standards.
We are interested in standards based on enterprise data related to the school, skills and children services sectors. This is data required for the operation of business processes that are not purely local in scope or purely a function of how one computer system works.
The workshop output will be used to develop the ISB work plan. This is an opportunity for you to ensure the work plan focuses on the issues of important to you.
The workshop will consider your responses to the following questions:
  • Is there a standard you are using that could be more commonly used by others?
  • Is there a standard where with some adaptations it could be made more widely accessible?
  • Where else do you want new standards which would be beneficial for your sector and that would have a strong commitment to be implemented? For example, particular business needs that could be met by ISB standards and/or initiatives planned (or under way) that may require ISB standards.
The outline agenda for the event is:
Schools session to identify ISB standards development opportunities
10.00               Coffee
10.30               Welcome and outline of the session
10.45               Discussion on potential opportunities to develop standards
12.00               Agreeing next steps
12.15               Close
Session for skills, further and higher education sectors to identify ISB standards development opportunities
13.00               Welcome and outline of the session
13.15               Discussion on potential opportunities to develop standards
14.30               Agreeing next steps
14.45               Close
Children services session to identifying ISB standards development opportunities
15.00               Welcome and outline of the session
15.15               Discussion on potential opportunities to develop standards
16.30               Agreeing next steps
16.45               Close