United Races Racial Democratic Page Views

Friday 16 March 2012

The Connection at St Martins-in-the-Fields

From: derrick_lynch@hotmail.co.uk
To: colin.glover@cstm.org.uk; lee.sanders@cstm.org.uk; info@cstm.org.uk; julia.porter@cstm.org.uk; editor@thepavement.org.uk; richard@thepavement.org.uk; trustees@thepavement.org.uk
CC: stratford.appeals@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk; info@equalityhumanrights.com; info@irr.org.uk; info@enfieldrec.org.uk; info@enfieldcab.org.uk; christiana.during@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.christine.hamilton@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.nneka.keazor@enfield.gov.uk; cllr.ozzie.uzoanya@enfield.gov.uk; race_equality_secret_service_@hotmail.com; enquiries@geo.gsi.gov.uk; contactus@communities.gov.uk; mayor@london.gov.uk; andylovemp@aol.com; enfieldsp@enfield.gov.uk; martin.garner@enfield.gov.uk; revs@enfield.gov.uk; ctravel@enfield.gov.uk; homelessresourcecentre@hotmail.com
Subject: The Connection at St Martins-in-the-Fields Racial Equality Performance
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 15:03:36 +0000

The Connection at St Martins-in-the-Fields

12 Adelaide Street
London WC2N 4HW

Telephone: 020 7766 5544



Contact Address

Date: 16 March 2012

Dear Colin Glover Chief Executive,

I was very pleased to have met you today and I found our short impromptu conversation very informative.

I became suspicious after Lee Sanders, an IC1 White person, suddenly became very aggressive and unhelpful in my interview when I asked him about The Connection at St Martins-in-the-Fields Racial Equality Strategy and he was unable to locate any Racial Equality information on The Connection at St Martins-in-the-Fields website.

Please would you send me information that shows that The Connection at St Martins-in-the-Fields has a well managed, effective and transparent Racial Equality Strategy.

The way that you, an IC1 White person, respond to this inquiry will allow me and many others to know how serious The Connection at St Martins-in-the-Fields is about Racial Equality.


"Arbeit Macht Frei"

It is necessary for me to exercise "due diligence" in this inquiry to find out if the retreating White Supremacist Racists are working within the Westminster Council together with the retreating White Supremacist Racists in The Connection at St Martins-in-the-Fields to impact the decision making processes.

It is necessary for me to exercise "due regard" in this inquiry to find out if the retreating White Supremacist Racists are working, within the Westminster Council together with the retreating White Supremacist Racists in The Connection at St Martins-in-the-Fields to delude, exploit, cripple and kill Black and non-white people.

White Supremacist Racist are very smart, clever, sophisticated, deceptive and ruthless.

In my experience White Supremacist Racists accuse Black and non-white people of being intimidating and aggressive whenever Black and non-white people make inquiries about the performance of the Race Equality Strategy in a suspect Racist organisation.

Racial Codes (Police and Census) details are available here:

The White Supremacist Racists have the smartest, cleverest, most sophisticated, most deceptive, most ruthless and most powerful members club / network in the known world.

The POWER of White people is being neutralised, by the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP), in a civilised, orderly, non-violent, dignified and peaceful manner for the greater good.

The White Supremacist Racists are losing power and getting weaker every 24 hours as a result of the valuable and magnificent work being done by the members of the impregnable Race Equality Secret Service (RESS) and the invincible Black National Party (BNP) working from the Moral High Ground in Glory and Majesty humbling White pride world wide and scattering the wicked before the Most High.

You White people are encouraged to join the United Races Racial Democratic movement and sort yourselves out for Racial Equality.

Kind regards

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