United Races Racial Democratic Page Views

Thursday 18 June 2015

Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Race Relations

Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Race Relations

From: derrick_lynch@hotmail.co.uk
To: nos_correspondence.erdg@noms.gsi.gov.uk; equalities.group@noms.gsi.gov.uk
CC: black.national.party@gmail.com; selma@liftfestival.com; info@irr.org.uk; george.ruddock@gvmedia.co.uk; omar@runnymedetrust.org; toyin@ligali.org; everton_young@yahoo.co.uk; mail@davidlammy.co.uk; lammyd@parliament.uk; james.nazroo@manchester.ac.uk; williamssb@parliament.uk; sgrover@tmg-uk.org; sscott@tmg-uk.org; diversityunity2@gmail.com; alansharp37@hotmail.com; david@davidrose.com; patrickvernon@btconnect.com; info@hiphopshakespeare.com; editorial@thejc.com; cgriffiths@25bedfordrow.com; rrandall@25bedfordrow.com; mstevenson@25bedfordrow.com; estuartsmith@25bedfordrow.com; lcapsv@gmail.com; dellis@25bedfordrow.com; info@obv.org.uk; uctynat@ucl.ac.uk; guardian.letters@theguardian.com; letters@thetimes.co.uk; home.news@thetimes.co.uk; hugh.muir@theguardian.com; yourlondon@bbc.co.uk; londonnews@bbc.co.uk; finnhagan@yahoo.co.uk; terminator.24@gmail.com; paolo_bf@hotmail.com; wizdomartist@gmail.com; thespeakersclub@aol.co.uk; roadtojusticesw@gmail.com; btwsc@hotmail.com; halina.watts@mirror.co.uk; acl46@cam.ac.uk; info@cacfo.org.uk; pressoffice@ico.org.uk
Subject: RE: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Race Relations Internal Review, FOI - 97749
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:36:12 +0100

Dear Equality, Rights and Decency Group, Ministry of Justice (MoJ),

Thank you for your reply.

You wrote:

"I can confirm that the department holds some of the information that you have asked for, and I am pleased to provide this to you."

I am sorry to inform you that the above statement is not correct, apparently. This is a direct threat to Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), possibly.

There appears to be a Race missing in all the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports that are supposed to be addressing the problem of Race Relations.

If the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not recognise or use the series of race classifications set out by the British Police, what series of Race classifications does the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) use?

How is it possible for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to have "due regard" for the protected groups as the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires if the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not use any Racial classifications?

I fail to see how the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) can have "due regard" for Race Relations without having any Racial monitoring data and an effective Race Relations policy.

It appears that the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has made no effort to record, monitor and report on the difference between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid). It is possible that there could be horrific inequalities between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) that have not been reported due to this Racially Aggravated Negligence.

May I remind you of the need to take your obligations under the Equality Act very seriously. No Racial data in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports is evidence of Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct that is resulting in Racially Aggravated Disorderly Behavior.

A survey should be done immediately to find out what is going on between the European Races and how this Racially Aggravated Negligence is impacting community cohesion.


The Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires public authorities to have ‘due regard’ to the need to:

1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act.

2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

3. Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it.

I am concerned about the management of European Race Relations and not about Ethnicity Relations or Diversity Relations.

Race a Protected Characteristic

As you probably know Race is one of the "Protected Characteristics" in the Equality Act 2010.

Refers to the protected characteristic of Race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins.

Note 1: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/private-and-public-sector-guidance/guidance-all/protected-characteristics

Race as defined by the British Police




White - North European / White European


White - South European / Dark European




Asian (in the UK Asian refers to people from the Indian subcontinent like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal)


Chinese, Japanese, or other South East Asian


Arabic or North African / Middle Eastern / Mixed Race



Note 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC_codes#cite_note-mpabriefing-2

Please follow these links to understand the Official British Government codification of the differences between Race and Ethnicity.


Source: http://century.guardian.co.uk/1970-1979/Story/0,6051,106880,00.html

Race not to be confused with Ethnicity

I have given the link to the Ethnicity Data Standard as specified by the Information Standards Board to make it clear that I am not asking for Ethnicity information.

Source: http://www.education.gov.uk/escs-isb/standardslibrary/a0077051/ethnicity-data-standard

Failure to manage Race Relations effectively results in the failure to address the problem of Racism.


Race Relations Internal Review Requested - Danger of Racism

Please could you arrange for the person/s responsible for Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to send me a full explanation for the missing European Race.

It is very clear that the Police recognise the Racial difference between the IC1 White North European (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Races (Melanochroid) and record and use this data for Race Relations purposes.

I am horrified that no effort is being made apparently to achieve European Race Equality. It is possible that the poor management of Race and Ethnicity in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is impacting policy in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and impacting the quality of the decisions being made in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).

It is possible that there are poor Race Relations between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and that this dreadful inequality is impacting relations between other Races and causing the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) unknown problems.

I am concerned that poor management of Race Relations in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is resulting in Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct which is making the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) not fit for purpose.

Please process this request for information as an Internal Review.

I look forward to a full reply on this very serious issue.

King regards

Derrick Lynch, Black, IC3, B9, BEUR


Freedom of Information Request

Dear Mr Lynch,

Thank you for your email of 15 May 2015, in which you asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

To: nos_correspondence.erdg@noms.gsi.gov.uk; equalities.group@noms.gsi.gov.uk
CC: black.national.party@gmail.com; selma@liftfestival.com; info@irr.org.uk; george.ruddock@gvmedia.co.uk; omar@runnymedetrust.org; toyin@ligali.org; everton_young@yahoo.co.uk; mail@davidlammy.co.uk; lammyd@parliament.uk; james.nazroo@manchester.ac.uk; williamssb@parliament.uk; sgrover@tmg-uk.org; sscott@tmg-uk.org; diversityunity2@gmail.com; alansharp37@hotmail.com; david@davidrose.com; patrickvernon@btconnect.com; info@hiphopshakespeare.com; editorial@thejc.com; cgriffiths@25bedfordrow.com; rrandall@25bedfordrow.com; mstevenson@25bedfordrow.com; estuartsmith@25bedfordrow.com; lcapsv@gmail.com; dellis@25bedfordrow.com; info@obv.org.uk; uctynat@ucl.ac.uk; guardian.letters@theguardian.com; letters@thetimes.co.uk; home.news@thetimes.co.uk; hugh.muir@theguardian.com; yourlondon@bbc.co.uk; londonnews@bbc.co.uk; finnhagan@yahoo.co.uk; terminator.24@gmail.com; paolo_bf@hotmail.com; wizdomartist@gmail.com; thespeakersclub@aol.co.uk; roadtojusticesw@gmail.com; btwsc@hotmail.com; halina.watts@mirror.co.uk; acl46@cam.ac.uk; info@cacfo.org.uk; pressoffice@ico.org.uk
Subject: RE: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Race Relations Internal Review, FOI - 97749
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:36:12 +0100

Dear Equality, Rights and Decency Group, Ministry of Justice (MoJ),

Thank you for your reply.

You wrote:

"I can confirm that the department holds some of the information that you have asked for, and I am pleased to provide this to you."

I am sorry to inform you that the above statement is not correct, apparently. This is a direct threat to Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), possibly.

There appears to be a Race missing in all the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports that are supposed to be addressing the problem of Race Relations.

If the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not recognise or use the series of race classifications set out by the British Police, what series of Race classifications does the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) use?

How is it possible for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to have "due regard" for the protected groups as the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires if the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not use any Racial classifications?

I fail to see how the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) can have "due regard" for Race Relations without having any Racial monitoring data and an effective Race Relations policy.

It appears that the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has made no effort to record, monitor and report on the difference between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid). It is possible that there could be horrific inequalities between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) that have not been reported due to this Racially Aggravated Negligence.

May I remind you of the need to take your obligations under the Equality Act very seriously. No Racial data in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports is evidence of Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct that is resulting in Racially Aggravated Disorderly Behavior.

A survey should be done immediately to find out what is going on between the European Races and how this Racially Aggravated Negligence is impacting community cohesion.


The Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires public authorities to have ‘due regard’ to the need to:

1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act.

2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

3. Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it.

I am concerned about the management of European Race Relations and not about Ethnicity Relations or Diversity Relations.

Race a Protected Characteristic

As you probably know Race is one of the "Protected Characteristics" in the Equality Act 2010.

Refers to the protected characteristic of Race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins.

Note 1: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/private-and-public-sector-guidance/guidance-all/protected-characteristics

Race as defined by the British Police




White - North European / White European


White - South European / Dark European




Asian (in the UK Asian refers to people from the Indian subcontinent like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal)


Chinese, Japanese, or other South East Asian


Arabic or North African / Middle Eastern / Mixed Race



Note 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC_codes#cite_note-mpabriefing-2

Please follow these links to understand the Official British Government codification of the differences between Race and Ethnicity.


Source: http://century.guardian.co.uk/1970-1979/Story/0,6051,106880,00.html

Race not to be confused with Ethnicity

I have given the link to the Ethnicity Data Standard as specified by the Information Standards Board to make it clear that I am not asking for Ethnicity information.

Source: http://www.education.gov.uk/escs-isb/standardslibrary/a0077051/ethnicity-data-standard

Failure to manage Race Relations effectively results in the failure to address the problem of Racism.


Race Relations Internal Review Requested - Danger of Racism

Please could you arrange for the person/s responsible for Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to send me a full explanation for the missing European Race.

It is very clear that the Police recognise the Racial difference between the IC1 White North European (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Races (Melanochroid) and record and use this data for Race Relations purposes.

I am horrified that no effort is being made apparently to achieve European Race Equality. It is possible that the poor management of Race and Ethnicity in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is impacting policy in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and impacting the quality of the decisions being made in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).

It is possible that there are poor Race Relations between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and that this dreadful inequality is impacting relations between other Races and causing the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) unknown problems.

I am concerned that poor management of Race Relations in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is resulting in Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct which is making the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) not fit for purpose.

Please process this request for information as an Internal Review.

I look forward to a full reply on this very serious issue.

King regards

Derrick Lynch, Black, IC3, B9, BEUR


Freedom of Information Request

Dear Mr Lynch,

Thank you for your email of 15 May 2015, in which you asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

1. The NOMS Race Relations Policy.

To: nos_correspondence.erdg@noms.gsi.gov.uk; equalities.group@noms.gsi.gov.uk
CC: black.national.party@gmail.com; selma@liftfestival.com; info@irr.org.uk; george.ruddock@gvmedia.co.uk; omar@runnymedetrust.org; toyin@ligali.org; everton_young@yahoo.co.uk; mail@davidlammy.co.uk; lammyd@parliament.uk; james.nazroo@manchester.ac.uk; williamssb@parliament.uk; sgrover@tmg-uk.org; sscott@tmg-uk.org; diversityunity2@gmail.com; alansharp37@hotmail.com; david@davidrose.com; patrickvernon@btconnect.com; info@hiphopshakespeare.com; editorial@thejc.com; cgriffiths@25bedfordrow.com; rrandall@25bedfordrow.com; mstevenson@25bedfordrow.com; estuartsmith@25bedfordrow.com; lcapsv@gmail.com; dellis@25bedfordrow.com; info@obv.org.uk; uctynat@ucl.ac.uk; guardian.letters@theguardian.com; letters@thetimes.co.uk; home.news@thetimes.co.uk; hugh.muir@theguardian.com; yourlondon@bbc.co.uk; londonnews@bbc.co.uk; finnhagan@yahoo.co.uk; terminator.24@gmail.com; paolo_bf@hotmail.com; wizdomartist@gmail.com; thespeakersclub@aol.co.uk; roadtojusticesw@gmail.com; btwsc@hotmail.com; halina.watts@mirror.co.uk; acl46@cam.ac.uk; info@cacfo.org.uk; pressoffice@ico.org.uk
Subject: RE: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Race Relations Internal Review, FOI - 97749
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:36:12 +0100

Dear Equality, Rights and Decency Group, Ministry of Justice (MoJ),

Thank you for your reply.

You wrote:

"I can confirm that the department holds some of the information that you have asked for, and I am pleased to provide this to you."

I am sorry to inform you that the above statement is not correct, apparently. This is a direct threat to Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), possibly.

There appears to be a Race missing in all the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports that are supposed to be addressing the problem of Race Relations.

If the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not recognise or use the series of race classifications set out by the British Police, what series of Race classifications does the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) use?

How is it possible for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to have "due regard" for the protected groups as the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires if the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not use any Racial classifications?

I fail to see how the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) can have "due regard" for Race Relations without having any Racial monitoring data and an effective Race Relations policy.

It appears that the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has made no effort to record, monitor and report on the difference between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid). It is possible that there could be horrific inequalities between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) that have not been reported due to this Racially Aggravated Negligence.

May I remind you of the need to take your obligations under the Equality Act very seriously. No Racial data in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports is evidence of Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct that is resulting in Racially Aggravated Disorderly Behavior.

A survey should be done immediately to find out what is going on between the European Races and how this Racially Aggravated Negligence is impacting community cohesion.


The Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires public authorities to have ‘due regard’ to the need to:

1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act.

2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

3. Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it.

I am concerned about the management of European Race Relations and not about Ethnicity Relations or Diversity Relations.

Race a Protected Characteristic

As you probably know Race is one of the "Protected Characteristics" in the Equality Act 2010.

Refers to the protected characteristic of Race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins.

Note 1: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/private-and-public-sector-guidance/guidance-all/protected-characteristics

Race as defined by the British Police




White - North European / White European


White - South European / Dark European




Asian (in the UK Asian refers to people from the Indian subcontinent like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal)


Chinese, Japanese, or other South East Asian


Arabic or North African / Middle Eastern / Mixed Race



Note 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC_codes#cite_note-mpabriefing-2

Please follow these links to understand the Official British Government codification of the differences between Race and Ethnicity.


Source: http://century.guardian.co.uk/1970-1979/Story/0,6051,106880,00.html

Race not to be confused with Ethnicity

I have given the link to the Ethnicity Data Standard as specified by the Information Standards Board to make it clear that I am not asking for Ethnicity information.

Source: http://www.education.gov.uk/escs-isb/standardslibrary/a0077051/ethnicity-data-standard

Failure to manage Race Relations effectively results in the failure to address the problem of Racism.


Race Relations Internal Review Requested - Danger of Racism

Please could you arrange for the person/s responsible for Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to send me a full explanation for the missing European Race.

It is very clear that the Police recognise the Racial difference between the IC1 White North European (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Races (Melanochroid) and record and use this data for Race Relations purposes.

I am horrified that no effort is being made apparently to achieve European Race Equality. It is possible that the poor management of Race and Ethnicity in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is impacting policy in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and impacting the quality of the decisions being made in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).

It is possible that there are poor Race Relations between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and that this dreadful inequality is impacting relations between other Races and causing the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) unknown problems.

I am concerned that poor management of Race Relations in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is resulting in Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct which is making the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) not fit for purpose.

Please process this request for information as an Internal Review.

I look forward to a full reply on this very serious issue.

King regards

Derrick Lynch, Black, IC3, B9, BEUR


Freedom of Information Request

Dear Mr Lynch,

Thank you for your email of 15 May 2015, in which you asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

1. A NOMS report on how the Race Relations Policy has been performing to date.

To: nos_correspondence.erdg@noms.gsi.gov.uk; equalities.group@noms.gsi.gov.uk
CC: black.national.party@gmail.com; selma@liftfestival.com; info@irr.org.uk; george.ruddock@gvmedia.co.uk; omar@runnymedetrust.org; toyin@ligali.org; everton_young@yahoo.co.uk; mail@davidlammy.co.uk; lammyd@parliament.uk; james.nazroo@manchester.ac.uk; williamssb@parliament.uk; sgrover@tmg-uk.org; sscott@tmg-uk.org; diversityunity2@gmail.com; alansharp37@hotmail.com; david@davidrose.com; patrickvernon@btconnect.com; info@hiphopshakespeare.com; editorial@thejc.com; cgriffiths@25bedfordrow.com; rrandall@25bedfordrow.com; mstevenson@25bedfordrow.com; estuartsmith@25bedfordrow.com; lcapsv@gmail.com; dellis@25bedfordrow.com; info@obv.org.uk; uctynat@ucl.ac.uk; guardian.letters@theguardian.com; letters@thetimes.co.uk; home.news@thetimes.co.uk; hugh.muir@theguardian.com; yourlondon@bbc.co.uk; londonnews@bbc.co.uk; finnhagan@yahoo.co.uk; terminator.24@gmail.com; paolo_bf@hotmail.com; wizdomartist@gmail.com; thespeakersclub@aol.co.uk; roadtojusticesw@gmail.com; btwsc@hotmail.com; halina.watts@mirror.co.uk; acl46@cam.ac.uk; info@cacfo.org.uk; pressoffice@ico.org.uk
Subject: RE: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Race Relations Internal Review, FOI - 97749
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:36:12 +0100

Dear Equality, Rights and Decency Group, Ministry of Justice (MoJ),

Thank you for your reply.

You wrote:

"I can confirm that the department holds some of the information that you have asked for, and I am pleased to provide this to you."

I am sorry to inform you that the above statement is not correct, apparently. This is a direct threat to Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), possibly.

There appears to be a Race missing in all the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports that are supposed to be addressing the problem of Race Relations.

If the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not recognise or use the series of race classifications set out by the British Police, what series of Race classifications does the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) use?

How is it possible for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to have "due regard" for the protected groups as the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires if the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not use any Racial classifications?

I fail to see how the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) can have "due regard" for Race Relations without having any Racial monitoring data and an effective Race Relations policy.

It appears that the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has made no effort to record, monitor and report on the difference between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid). It is possible that there could be horrific inequalities between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) that have not been reported due to this Racially Aggravated Negligence.

May I remind you of the need to take your obligations under the Equality Act very seriously. No Racial data in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports is evidence of Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct that is resulting in Racially Aggravated Disorderly Behavior.

A survey should be done immediately to find out what is going on between the European Races and how this Racially Aggravated Negligence is impacting community cohesion.


The Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires public authorities to have ‘due regard’ to the need to:

1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act.

2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

3. Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it.

I am concerned about the management of European Race Relations and not about Ethnicity Relations or Diversity Relations.

Race a Protected Characteristic

As you probably know Race is one of the "Protected Characteristics" in the Equality Act 2010.

Refers to the protected characteristic of Race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins.

Note 1: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/private-and-public-sector-guidance/guidance-all/protected-characteristics

Race as defined by the British Police




White - North European / White European


White - South European / Dark European




Asian (in the UK Asian refers to people from the Indian subcontinent like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal)


Chinese, Japanese, or other South East Asian


Arabic or North African / Middle Eastern / Mixed Race



Note 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC_codes#cite_note-mpabriefing-2

Please follow these links to understand the Official British Government codification of the differences between Race and Ethnicity.


Source: http://century.guardian.co.uk/1970-1979/Story/0,6051,106880,00.html

Race not to be confused with Ethnicity

I have given the link to the Ethnicity Data Standard as specified by the Information Standards Board to make it clear that I am not asking for Ethnicity information.

Source: http://www.education.gov.uk/escs-isb/standardslibrary/a0077051/ethnicity-data-standard

Failure to manage Race Relations effectively results in the failure to address the problem of Racism.


Race Relations Internal Review Requested - Danger of Racism

Please could you arrange for the person/s responsible for Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to send me a full explanation for the missing European Race.

It is very clear that the Police recognise the Racial difference between the IC1 White North European (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Races (Melanochroid) and record and use this data for Race Relations purposes.

I am horrified that no effort is being made apparently to achieve European Race Equality. It is possible that the poor management of Race and Ethnicity in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is impacting policy in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and impacting the quality of the decisions being made in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).

It is possible that there are poor Race Relations between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and that this dreadful inequality is impacting relations between other Races and causing the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) unknown problems.

I am concerned that poor management of Race Relations in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is resulting in Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct which is making the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) not fit for purpose.

Please process this request for information as an Internal Review.

I look forward to a full reply on this very serious issue.

King regards

Derrick Lynch, Black, IC3, B9, BEUR


Freedom of Information Request

Dear Mr Lynch,

Thank you for your email of 15 May 2015, in which you asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

1. Details of how the NOMS manages and monitors Race Relations.

To: nos_correspondence.erdg@noms.gsi.gov.uk; equalities.group@noms.gsi.gov.uk
CC: black.national.party@gmail.com; selma@liftfestival.com; info@irr.org.uk; george.ruddock@gvmedia.co.uk; omar@runnymedetrust.org; toyin@ligali.org; everton_young@yahoo.co.uk; mail@davidlammy.co.uk; lammyd@parliament.uk; james.nazroo@manchester.ac.uk; williamssb@parliament.uk; sgrover@tmg-uk.org; sscott@tmg-uk.org; diversityunity2@gmail.com; alansharp37@hotmail.com; david@davidrose.com; patrickvernon@btconnect.com; info@hiphopshakespeare.com; editorial@thejc.com; cgriffiths@25bedfordrow.com; rrandall@25bedfordrow.com; mstevenson@25bedfordrow.com; estuartsmith@25bedfordrow.com; lcapsv@gmail.com; dellis@25bedfordrow.com; info@obv.org.uk; uctynat@ucl.ac.uk; guardian.letters@theguardian.com; letters@thetimes.co.uk; home.news@thetimes.co.uk; hugh.muir@theguardian.com; yourlondon@bbc.co.uk; londonnews@bbc.co.uk; finnhagan@yahoo.co.uk; terminator.24@gmail.com; paolo_bf@hotmail.com; wizdomartist@gmail.com; thespeakersclub@aol.co.uk; roadtojusticesw@gmail.com; btwsc@hotmail.com; halina.watts@mirror.co.uk; acl46@cam.ac.uk; info@cacfo.org.uk; pressoffice@ico.org.uk
Subject: RE: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Race Relations Internal Review, FOI - 97749
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:36:12 +0100

Dear Equality, Rights and Decency Group, Ministry of Justice (MoJ),

Thank you for your reply.

You wrote:

"I can confirm that the department holds some of the information that you have asked for, and I am pleased to provide this to you."

I am sorry to inform you that the above statement is not correct, apparently. This is a direct threat to Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), possibly.

There appears to be a Race missing in all the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports that are supposed to be addressing the problem of Race Relations.

If the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not recognise or use the series of race classifications set out by the British Police, what series of Race classifications does the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) use?

How is it possible for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to have "due regard" for the protected groups as the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires if the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) does not use any Racial classifications?

I fail to see how the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) can have "due regard" for Race Relations without having any Racial monitoring data and an effective Race Relations policy.

It appears that the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has made no effort to record, monitor and report on the difference between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid). It is possible that there could be horrific inequalities between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) that have not been reported due to this Racially Aggravated Negligence.

May I remind you of the need to take your obligations under the Equality Act very seriously. No Racial data in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) reports is evidence of Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct that is resulting in Racially Aggravated Disorderly Behavior.

A survey should be done immediately to find out what is going on between the European Races and how this Racially Aggravated Negligence is impacting community cohesion.


The Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) requires public authorities to have ‘due regard’ to the need to:

1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act.

2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

3. Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it.

I am concerned about the management of European Race Relations and not about Ethnicity Relations or Diversity Relations.

Race a Protected Characteristic

As you probably know Race is one of the "Protected Characteristics" in the Equality Act 2010.

Refers to the protected characteristic of Race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins.

Note 1: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/private-and-public-sector-guidance/guidance-all/protected-characteristics

Race as defined by the British Police




White - North European / White European


White - South European / Dark European




Asian (in the UK Asian refers to people from the Indian subcontinent like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal)


Chinese, Japanese, or other South East Asian


Arabic or North African / Middle Eastern / Mixed Race



Note 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC_codes#cite_note-mpabriefing-2

Please follow these links to understand the Official British Government codification of the differences between Race and Ethnicity.


Source: http://century.guardian.co.uk/1970-1979/Story/0,6051,106880,00.html

Race not to be confused with Ethnicity

I have given the link to the Ethnicity Data Standard as specified by the Information Standards Board to make it clear that I am not asking for Ethnicity information.

Source: http://www.education.gov.uk/escs-isb/standardslibrary/a0077051/ethnicity-data-standard

Failure to manage Race Relations effectively results in the failure to address the problem of Racism.


Race Relations Internal Review Requested - Danger of Racism

Please could you arrange for the person/s responsible for Equality, Rights and Decency in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to send me a full explanation for the missing European Race.

It is very clear that the Police recognise the Racial difference between the IC1 White North European (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Races (Melanochroid) and record and use this data for Race Relations purposes.

I am horrified that no effort is being made apparently to achieve European Race Equality. It is possible that the poor management of Race and Ethnicity in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is impacting policy in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and impacting the quality of the decisions being made in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).

It is possible that there are poor Race Relations between the IC1 White North European Race (Caucasoid) and the IC2 Dark South European Race (Melanochroid) in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and that this dreadful inequality is impacting relations between other Races and causing the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) unknown problems.

I am concerned that poor management of Race Relations in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is resulting in Racially Aggravated Gross Misconduct which is making the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) not fit for purpose.

Please process this request for information as an Internal Review.

I look forward to a full reply on this very serious issue.

King regards

Derrick Lynch, Black, IC3, B9, BEUR


Freedom of Information Request

Dear Mr Lynch,

Thank you for your email of 15 May 2015, in which you asked for the following information from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ):

1. Details of how many Black people are in and have been in Senior Management positions in the NOMS.

Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

I can confirm that the department holds some of the information that you have asked for, and I am pleased to provide this to you.

1.The NOMS Race Relations Policy

Regarding one above, I can confirm that the department holds information that you have asked for. The information is exempt under section 21 of the FOI Act because it is reasonably accessible to you, and I am pleased to inform you that you can access the Prison Service Instruction (PSI) 32/2011 – Ensuring Equality via the following link:


2.A NOMS report on how the Race Relations Policy has been performing to date

Regarding two, I can confirm that the department holds information that you have asked for. The information is exempt under section 21 of the FOI Act because it is reasonably accessible to you, and I am pleased to inform you that you can access a copy of the NOMS Offender Equalities Annual Report via the following link:


Both the links pertaining to one and two are available by clicking the link to the Justice website, which is located at on the front page of this letter.

4.Details of how many Black people are in and have been in Senior Management positions in the NOMS.

Regarding four, I can confirm that the department holds information that you have asked for. The information is exempt under section 21 of the FOI Act because it is reasonably accessible to you, and I am pleased to inform you that you can access a copy of the MOJ’s Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System 2012 via the following link:


Page 115 contains details of the number of Senior Civil Servants (SCS) in NOMS as at 31 March 2013. This is a routine publication, and the next publication is scheduled for November 2015.

Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act exempts disclosure of some information that is reasonably accessible by other means, and the terms of the exemption mean that we do not have to consider whether or not it would be in the public interest for you to have the information.

You can find out more about Section 21 by reading the extract from the Act and some guidance points we consider when applying this exemption, attached at the end of this letter.

You can also find more information by reading the full text of the Act, available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2000/36/section/21 and further guidance http://www.justice.gov.uk/information-access-rights/foi-guidance-for-practitioners/exemptions-guidance

3.Details of how the NOMS manages and monitors Race Relations

With reference to three, regarding the NOMS’ management and monitoring of race relations, the Equality Monitoring Tool (EMT) is a national tool which monitors areas of the regime by five protected characteristics, including ethnicity, on a national, regional and establishment level basis. The areas of the regime being monitored are:

Adjudications charged and proven

Incentives and Earned Privileges - Entry level, basic, standard and enhanced



Release on Temporary Licence (RoTL)

Use of Force

This data, used to monitor areas of the regime, is produced quarterly and is taken from data collected on Prison-NOMIS (National Offender Management Information System), except for Complaints and Use of Force which are manual returns from the establishments.

Monitoring is a key way of ensuring that NOMS is meeting the legal duties to eliminate unlawful discrimination and promote equality, and demonstrating that they do so. It allows the identification of patterns of disproportionality in outcomes between different groups of prisoners, which can be explored and either explained or tackled appropriately.

By making monitoring data available to staff, prisoners and other stakeholders we ensure that our service delivery is transparent and that unfounded perceptions of unfairness can be challenged.

You have the right to appeal our decision if you think it is incorrect. Details can be found in the ‘How to Appeal’ section attached at the end of this letter.

Disclosure Log

You can also view information that the Ministry of Justice has disclosed in response to previous Freedom of Information requests. Responses are anonymised and published on our on-line disclosure log which can be found on the MoJ website:


Yours sincerely

Equality, Rights and Decency Group

How to Appeal

Internal Review

If you are not satisfied with this response, you have the right to an internal review. The handling of your request will be looked at by someone who was not responsible for the original case, and they will make a decision as to whether we answered your request correctly.

If you would like to request a review, please write or send an email within two months of the date of this letter to the Data Access and Compliance Unit at the following address:

Data Access and Compliance Unit (10.34),

Information & Communications Directorate,

Ministry of Justice,

102 Petty France,



E-mail: data.access@justice.gsi.gov.uk

Information Commissioner’s Office

If you remain dissatisfied after an internal review decision, you have the right to apply to the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Commissioner is an independent regulator who has the power to direct us to respond to your request differently, if he considers that we have handled it incorrectly.

You can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at the following address:

Information Commissioner’s Office,

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,




Internet address: http://www.ico.org.uk/


> From: NOS_Correspondence.ERDG@noms.gsi.gov.uk
> To: derrick_lynch@hotmail.co.uk
> Subject: FOI - 97749
> Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 16:11:33 +0000
> Dear Mr Lynch,
> Please see attached reply to your request.
> Regards,
> NOS Correspondence.
> The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government Secure Intranet virus scanning service supplied by Vodafone in partnership with Symantec. (CCTM Certificate Number 2009/09/0052.) This email has been certified virus free.
> Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for legal purposes.

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"There is no escape

from the

long arm of

the Racial law".






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